Michel Roland et Jean-Christophe Poudon publieront un article dans l'International Journal of Industrial Organization

Michel Roland et Jean-Christophe Poudon publieront un article dans l'International Journal of Industrial Organization

30 janvier 2017

Dans un article à paraître dans l'International Journal of Industrial Organization, Michel Roland et son coauteur, Jean-Christophe Poudou (Université de Montpellier), présentent les conditions sous lesquelles le régulateur d’une industrie de réseau en duopole peut utiliser l’imposition de services universels pour promouvoir des objectifs d’équité.

Equity is often invoked as a possible justification for the imposition of universal service obligations (USOs). However, no previous analysis supports a formal link between equity and USO. In this paper, we describe the extent to which the imposition of USOs in oligopolistic network industries can meet the objectives of an inequality-averse regulator. We show that USOs can be used for equity purposes provided that the regulator is able to control the competitive structure of the industry. We also show that the uniform pricing constraint, which is an obligation to offer the same price conditions to all consumers, is welfare enhancing but rather surprisingly, it does not necessarily improve equity.