Nikolaos Charalampidis et Mananirina Razafitsiory - Publication dans la revue Canadian Journal of Economics

27 janvier 2025

Nikolaos Charalampidis, professeur au département d’économique, et Mananirina Razafitsiory, doctorant au département d’économique, ont publié un article dans la revue Canadian Journal of Economics intitulé  "Automation in an Estimated Small Open Economy Model".  Voici le résumé de l’article:

To shed light on the causes and consequences of automation decisions, this paper introduces robots replacing workers in a small open economy model with search and matching frictions and capital, estimated for the Canadian economy. A technological factor, the automation-specific technology, drives the probability of a firm to automate and, thereby, generates productivity gains and influences the fluctuations in productivity, investment, and the labor income share. Such a technology triggers a pro-cyclical labor displacement effect that exceeds its job creation effect but the net result on unemployment is quantitatively small, rendering it a small contributing force to unemployment fluctuations. A model with automation decisions fits better the data than models without them, influences the relative importance of supply-side and labor-market sources of business cycles, yields wage rigidity, and amplifies the volatility of productivity.

L’article peut être consulté ici: