27 mars 2018

Heure: 9h am
Lieu: DKN-5325

Description de l'événement

Conférencier(e) :

Invité par :

La prochaine séance des "déjeuners de l'économie politique" aura leu le mardi 27 mars, à 9am, au local DKN-5325.

Nous vous proposons la lecture de :  The economic effect of the abolition of serfdom: evidence from the Russian Empire, par Andrei Markevich et Ekaterina Zhuravskaya. 

Ci-dessous le résumé du papier :

We document substantial increases in agricultural productivity, industrial output, and peasants’ nutrition in Imperial Russia as a result of the abolition of serfdom in 1861. Before the emancipation, provinces where serfs constituted the majority of agricultural laborers lagged behind provinces that primarily relied on free labor. The emancipation led to a significant but partial catch up. Better incentives of peasants resulting from the cessation of ratchet effect were a likely mechanism behind a relatively fast positive effect of reform on agricultural productivity. The land reform, which instituted communal land tenure after the emancipation, diminished growth in productivity in repartition communes.