Bellemare, Charles, Steeve Marchand et Bruce Shearer (2015) (À paraître/forthcoming), "Combiner les expériences de terrain et la modélisation structurelle: le cas de la réciprocité en milieu de travail", L’Actualité Économique
Bellemare, Charles, Steeve Marchand et Bruce Shearer (2016), "Structural estimation and experiments: applications to contracting models", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Volume 172, June 2016, Pages 342–363
Shearer, Bruce (2014), "L’économétrie des contrats: Le rôle des archives de paie, des expériences et des modèles économiques", L’Actualité Économique, Volume 90, No 4, Décembre 2014
Bellemare, Charles; Shearer, Bruce (2013), "Multidimensional Heterogeneity and the Economic Importance of Risk and Matching: Evidence from Contractual Data and Field Experiments" (PDF, 579 Ko), RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 44, no 2, Summer, pp. 361-389
Dumont, E.; Fortin, B.; Jacquemet N.; Shearer, B. (2012), "Rémunération mixte et comportement professionnel des spécialistes", Le Québec économique 2011, un bilan de santé du Québec, Luc Godbout, Marcelin Joanis et Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin (eds), PUL, pp. 197-208
Bellemare, Charles; Shearer, Bruce (2011), "On the Relevance and Composition of Gifts within the Firm: Evidence from Field Experiments" (PDF, 253 Ko), International Economic Review, vol. 52, no 3, pp. 855-882, August
Bellemare, Charles; Lepage, Patrick; Shearer, Bruce (2010), "Peer Pressure, Incentives, and Gender: an Experimental Analysis of Motivation in the Workplace" (PDF, 848 Ko), Labour Economics, vol. 17, pp. 276-283
Bellemare, Charles; Shearer, Bruce (2010), "Sorting, Incentives and Risk Preferences: Evidence from a Field Experiment" (PDF, 155 Ko), Economics Letters, vol. 108, no 3, pp. 345-348
Bellemare, Charles et Bruce Shearer (2009), "Gift Giving and Worker Productivity: Evidence from a Firm Level Experiment" (PDF, 321 Ko), Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 67, pp. 233-244
Paarsch, H. et B. Shearer (2009), "The Response to Incentives and Contractual Efficiency: Evidence from a Field Experiment", European Economic Review, vol. 53, no 5, July, pp. 481-494
Dumont, E.; Fortin, B.; Jacquemet, N. et B. Shearer (2008), "Physicians' Multitasking and Incentives: Empirical Evidence from a Natural Evidence", Journal of Health Economics, vol. 27, no 6, pp. 1436-1450
Fortin, Bernard; Jacquemet, Nicolas; Shearer, Bruce (2008), "Policy Analysis in the Health-Services Market: Accounting for Quality and Quantity", Annales d’économie et de statistique, 91-92, pp. 293-319
Paarsch, H. et B. Shearer (2007), "Do Women React Differently to Incentives: Evidence from Experimental Data and Payroll Records", European Economic Review, vol. 51, no 7, pp. 1682-1707
Shearer, B. (2004), "Piece Rates, Fixed Wages and Incentives: Evidence from a Field Experiment", The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 71, no 2, pp. 513-534
Shearer, B. (2003), "Compensation Policy and Worker Performance: Identifying Incentive Effects from Field Experiments", Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 1, no 2/3, pp. 503-511
Shearer, B. et H. Paarsch (2000), "Piece Rates, Fixed Wages and Incentive Effects: Statistical Evidence from Payroll Records", The International Economic Review, vol. 41, no 1, pp. 59-92
Ferrall, C. et B. Shearer (1999), "Incentives and Transactions Costs Within the Firm: Estimating and Agency Model using Payroll Records", The Review of Economic Studies, vol.66, pp. 309-338
Paarsch, H. et B. Shearer (1999), "The Response of Worker Effort to Piece Rates", Journal of Human Resources, vol.34, no 4, pp. 643-667
Shearer, B. (1996), "Piece-Rates, Principal-Agent Models and Productivity Profiles", Journal of Human Resources, vol.31, no 2, pp. 275-303