Lancement premier chercheur Matuszewski - 27 septembre dernier
Vendredi 27 septembre se tenait le lancement du tout premier chercheur Matuszewski à l’auditorium Jean-Paul Tardif au pavillon La Laurentienne. Lors de cet événement, M.
Département d’économique
Chercheur Matuszewski, Professeur titulaire
Bellemare, C., (2023), "Estimation of Structural Models Using Experimental Data From the Lab and the Field", in Elements in Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Cambridge University Press.
Bellemare, C.; Goussé, M.; Lacroix, G.; Marchand, S. (2023) "Physical Disability and Labor Market Discrimination : Evidence from a Video Resume Field Experiment", American Economic Journal : Applied Economics, Volume 15, pp. 452-476.
Bellemare, C.; et Sebald, A. (2023), "Measuring belief-dependent preferences without data on beliefs", Review of Economic Studies, Volume 90, Pages 40-64.
Bellemare, C.; Kröger, S. et Sossou, M., (2022), "Optimal Frequency of Portfolio Evaluation in a Choice Experiment with Ambiguity and Loss Aversion", Journal of Econometrics, Volume 231, Pages 248-264.
Bellemare, C.; Sebald, A. et Suetens, S. (2019), "Guilt aversion in economics and psychology", Journal of Economic Psychology, Volume 73, August 2019, Pages 52-59.
Bellemare, C.; Kröger, S. et Sossou, M., (2018), "Reporting probabilistic expectations with dynamic uncertainty about possible distributions", Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Octobre 2018, Volume 57, pp 153–176.
Bellemare, C.; Sebald, A. et Suetens, S. (2018), "Heterogeneous guilt sensitivities and incentive effects", Experimental Economics,Volume 21, pp. 316 – 336.
Bellemare, C.; Sebald, A. et Suetens, S. (2017), "A note on testing guilt aversion", Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 102 (March), pp. 233 – 239.
Bellemare, C.; Kröger, S. et Bissonnette, L. (2016), "Simulating power of economic experiments : the powerBBK package", Journal of the Economic Science Association, Volume 2, Novembre 2016, pp. 157–168. (Code powerBBK : )
Bellemare, C.; Marchand, S. et Shearer, B. (2016) , "Structural estimation and experiments: applications to contracting models ", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Volume 172, June 2016, pp. 342–36.
Bellemare, C.; Shearer, B. (2013), "Multidimensional Heterogeneity and the Economic Importance of Risk and Matching: Evidence from Contractual Data and Field Experiments" (PDF, 579 Ko), RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 44, no 2, Summer, pp. 361-389.
Bellemare, C.; Bissonnette, L. et Kröger, S. (2012), "Flexible Approximation of Subjective Expectations using Probability Questions" (PDF, 389 Ko), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, vol. 30, no 1, January, pp. 125-131.
Bellemare, C.; Kröger, S. et Van Soest, A. (2011), "Preferences, Intentions, and Expectations Violations: a Large-Scale Experiment with a Representative Subject Pool", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 78, no 3, May, pp. 349-365.
Bellemare, C.; Sebald, A. et Strobel, M. (2011), "Measuring the Willingness to Pay to Avoid Guilt: Estimation Using Equilibrium and Stated Belief Models" (PDF, 166 Ko), Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol. 26, pp. 437-453.
Bellemare, C. et Shearer, B. (2011), "On the Relevance and Composition of Gifts within the Firm: Evidence from Field Experiments" (PDF, 253 Ko), International Economic Review, vol. 52, no 3, pp. 855-882, August.
Bellemare, C.; Bissonnette, L. et Kröger, S. (2010), "Bounding Preference Parameters under Different Assumptions about Beliefs: a Partial Identification Approach" (PDF, 595 Ko), Experimental Economics, vol. 13, no 3, September, pp. 334-345.
Bellemare, C.; Lepage, P. et Shearer, B. (2010), "Peer Pressure, Incentives, and Gender: an Experimental Analysis of Motivation in the Workplace" (PDF, 848 Ko), Labour Economics, vol. 17, pp. 276-283.
Bellemare, C. et Shearer, B. (2010), "Sorting, Incentives and Risk Preferences: Evidence from a Field Experiment" (PDF, 155 Ko), Economics Letters, vol. 108, no 3, pp. 345-348.
Bellemare, C. et Shearer, B. (2009), "Gift Giving and Worker Productivity: Evidence from a Firm Level Experiment" (PDF, 321 Ko), Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 67, pp. 233-244.
Bellemare, C.; Kröger, S. et Van Soest, A. (2008), "Measuring Inequity Aversion in a Heterogeneous Population using Experimental Decisions and Subjective Probabilities" (PDF, 343 Ko), Econometrica, vol. 76, no 4, July, pp. 815-839.
Bellemare, C. (2007), "A Life-Cycle Model of Outmigration and Economic Assimilation of Immigrants in Germany" (PDF, 278 Ko), European Economic Review, vol. 51(3), pp. 553-576.
Bellemare, C. et Kröger, S. (2007), "On Representative Social Capital" (PDF, 90 Ko).
Bellemare, C. et Kröger, S. (2007) , "On Representative Social Capital" (PDF, 265 Ko), European Economic Review, vol.51(1), p.p. 181-202.
Bellemare, C.; Krause, M.; Kroger, S. et Zhang, C. (2005), "Myopic Loss Aversion: Information Feedback vs. Investment Flexibility" (PDF, 73 Ko), Economics Letters, vol. 87, no 3, pp. 291-439.
Bellemare, C.; Krause, M.; Kröger, S. et Zhang, C. (2005), Myopic Loss Aversion: Information Feedback vs. Investment Flexibility (PDF, 65 Ko), vol. 87(3), June, pp. 319-324.
Bellemare, C.; Melenberg, B. et Van Soest, A. (2002), "Semi-parametric Models for Satisfaction with Income" (PDF, 184 Ko), The Portuguese Economic Journal, vol. 1, no 2, pp. 181-203.
Ph. D. (CentER, Tilburg University)
Cv (pdf)
Bellemare, C.; Goussé, M.; Lacroix, G.; and S. Marchand; "Physical Disability and Labor Market Discrimination : Evidence from a Video Resume Field Experiment", conditionally accepted, AEJ Applied Economics.
Bellemare, C., and N. Kyui, and G. Lacroix; "Immigrants' Economic Performance and Selective Outmigration: Diverging Predictions from Survey and Administrative Data", revise and resubmit, Journal of Labor Economics.
Bellemare, C. Moran, K., et Tossou, R., "The Determinants of Consumers' Inflation Expectations: Evidence from the US and Canada", revise and resubmit, Journal of Applied Econometrics.
Bellemare, C. and A. Sebald; "Self-confidence and reactions to subjective performance evaluations", Submitted.
Vendredi 27 septembre se tenait le lancement du tout premier chercheur Matuszewski à l’auditorium Jean-Paul Tardif au pavillon La Laurentienne. Lors de cet événement, M.
Charles Bellemare, Luc Bissonnette, Vincent Boucher, Maripier Isabelle, et Guy Lacroix organisent les 20 et 21 octobre 2023 prochains un atelier scientifique portant sur les enjeux de santé et le m
Charles Bellemare vient de publier un livre intitulé «Estimation of Structural Models Using Experimental Data From the Lab and the Field « dans la série Elements in Behavioral and Experimental