Répertoire du personnel administratif et enseignant

Jean Michaud

Département d’anthropologie

Professeur titulaire

418 656-2131, poste 402274


Pavillon Charles-De Koninck Local 3405

      * ENGLISH WEBSITE *        

        DOCTORATS: J. Michaud est ouvert au dépôt de candidatures pour 2025 & 2026

Je poursuis deux axes de réflexion. Le premier questionne la fabrication de la normalité et du consentement et les entraves que pose l'idéologie néolibérale à la construction de la pensée critique et citoyenne ici et ailleurs, des interrogations qui alimentent mes cours tels ‘Hégémonie culturelle et résistance’ et ‘Décodages anthropologiques de l'économie.’ Le second s'appuie sur mes terrains durant trois décennies parmi les sociétés du Massif Sud-Est Asiatique, chez les populations marginales des montagnes d’Inde du Nord, de la Thaïlande, du Laos, du Vietnam et du Yunnan en Chine méridionale. Sur cet horizon, mes publications creusent les thèmes de l'impact de la modernisation culturelle et économique, de la vernacularisation de la modernité chez les populations rurales dominées, et de l’ethnographie coloniale comme fenêtre sur le passé des sociétés sans écriture.

Formation et itinéraire

2010 - présent:  Professeur titulaire, Anthropologie, U. Laval
2006 - 2010:   Professeur agrégé, Anthropologie. U. Laval
2002 - 2006:   Chercheur associé, Chaire CRSH en études asiatiques, U. de Montréal
1996 - 2002:   Professeur adjoint, Centre for South-East Asian Studies, U. of Hull, Royaume-Uni
1995 - 1996:   Postdoctorat au Centre de Recherches pour le Développement International, Ottawa
1989 - 1995:   Doctorat en anthropologie sociale, Université de Montréal
1987 - 1989:   Maîtrise en anthropologie sociale, Université Laval

1984 - 1986:   Guide touristique (sud du Mexique et Inde du nord)
1979 - 1984:   Travailleur social, Protection de la Jeunesse et Probation juvénile, Québec
1976 - 1979:   Baccalauréat en Travail social, Université Laval
1973 - 1976:   DEC Séminaire St-Augustin, Cap-Rouge.
Avant 1973:    Études  primaires et secondaires à Sept-Iles, Qc


À Laval
  • Histoire de l'Asie du Sud-Est (premier cycle)
Après 2006:
Premier cycle
  • Anthropologie économique
  • Anthropologie et développement
  • Débats contemporains
  • Hégémonie culturelle, propagande, et résistances
  • Asie du Sud-Est
  • Hautes-terres d'Asie du Sud-Est et du sud-ouest de la Chine
  • Sociétés du Massif Sud-Est Asiatique
  • Thaïlande et Vietnam en miroir
  • Minorités et ethnicité
  • Épistémologie et réflexivité
Séminaires gradués
  • Problématique (obligatoire)
  • Indigénisation de la modernité et résistance
  • Séminaire avancé (obligatoire, doctorat)
  • Stratégies de recherche qualitative (obligatoire, inter-cycles)
  • Anthropologie critique (inter-cycles)

University of Hull, UK (1996-2002):

  • Thai language and Culture I & II
  • Peoples and Cultures of Mainland South-East Asia
  • Tourism and the Social Sciences: A South-East Asian Perspective

Université de Montréal (2002-2005):

  • Anthropologie et développement
  • Anthropologie économique
  • Introduction à l'anthropologie



Asie du Sud-Est et sud-ouest de la Chine: quelques projets récents

  • Negotiating Childhoods in Small Asian Cities: A Multi-generational Analysis. $70K. CRSH Développement de Savoir, co-chercheur avec chercheure principale S. Turner (McGill). 2024-2026.
  • Canadian Southeast Asian Studies Initiative. $1M. The Henry Luce Foundation (USA), Southeast Asia Programme, co-chercheur (9) avec chercheur principal R. Fox (Victoria). 2023-2028
  • Résiliences en Asie du Sud-Est: héritages, pratiques et représentations. $20K. CRSH Connexion, chercheur principal avec co-chercheurs A. Paquin-Pelletier, J-F Bissonnette, et Hiên Pham. 2023.
  • Coping with Infrastructural Curves: Marginalized Citizens Challenging State Plans in India and Vietnam. $99K. CRSH Savoir, co-chercheur (3) avec chercheur principal P. Messier (UPEI). 2022-2027.
  • Infrastructural violence and ethnic minority livelihoods: Adopting, adapting, or challenging state plans in upland Vietnam and Thailand. $261K. CRSH Savoir, co-chercheur (2) avec chercheure principale S. Turner (McGill). 2021-2025.
  • Frontier Livelihoods under Socialism: Supporting Ethnic Minority Strategies in Asia's Borderlands. $198K. CRSH Développement de Partenariat, chercheur principal, 2020-2025.
  • Livelihoods frictions in the Sino-Vietnamese borderlands. $252K. CRSH Savoir, chercheur principal, 2018-2025.
  • Global commodity chains meet traditional ecological knowledge in Vietnam's borderlands: Assessing options for ethnic minority communities. $228K. CRSH Savoir, co-chercheur (2) avec chercheure principale S. Turner (McGill). 2017-2021.
  • The Price of Spice. Non-Timber Forest Products and Indigenous Minority Livelihoods in the Southeast Asian Massif. $200K. CRSH, Développement de partenariat, co-chercheur (2) avec chercheure principale S.Turner (McGill). 2016-2019.
  • Frontier livelihoods on the Sino-Vietnamese periphery. $298K. CRSH, programme Savoirs, comité de Géographie, co-chercheur (2) avec chercheure principale S. Turner (McGill). 2013-2017.
  • Modernisation and indigenous minorities on the China-Vietnam borderlands. $102K. CRSH, Subvention ordinaire, chercheur principal, 2011-2014.
  • Indigenous minority livelihoods and food security in the China-Vietnam borderlands. $225K. CRSH, Développement de partenariat, co-chercheur avec chercheure principale S. Turner (McGill), 2011-2014.
  • Ethnic minorities, modernity and change in Yunnan, China. $40K. CRSH, Initiatives de Développement de la Recherche, chercheur principal, 2010-2011.
  • Negotiating Remote Borderland Access: Ethnic Minority Trade Livelihoods on the Vietnam-China Border. $120K. CRSH, co-chercheur avec S.Turner (McGill), 2009-2012.
  • Montagnards et raison d'état dans le Laos postsocialiste: développement et intégration à la nation. $125K. CRSH, subvention ordinaire, chercheur principal, 2006-2009.
  • People, GIS modelling, and environmental change: Pilot study in Sa Pa District, Lao Cai province, Vietnam. $126K.  CRSH, co-chercheur avec S. Turner (McGill), 2006-2009.
  • The Dynamics of Marketplace Exchange and Trade in Highland Northern Vietnam. $25K. The National Geographic Society, Committee for Research and Exploration, co-chercheur avec S.Turner (McGill), 2006-2007.
  • The Challenge of the Agrarian Transition in Southeast Asia. $2,5M. CRSH - Projet Partenariat, co-chercheur (25) avec R. DeKoninck (Montréal) 2005-2010.



Chasing Traces

Petit, Pierre & Jean Michaud (Eds) 2024. Chasing Traces. History and Ethnography in the Uplands of Socialist Asia. Honolulu: U. of Hawai’i Press.  









Smyer Yü, Dan, Michaud, J. (2017)Smyer Yü, Dan & J. Michaud (Eds) 2017. Trans-Himalayan Borderlands: Livelihoods, Territorialities, Modernities. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Captation vidéo à l'Université de Californie, Berkeley (1ere partie)

The societies in the Himalayan borderlands have undergone wide-ranging transformations, as the territorial reconfiguration of modern nation-states since the mid-twentieth century and the presently increasing trans-Himalayan movements of people, goods and capital, reshape the livelihoods of communities, pulling them into global trends of modernisation and regional discourses of national belonging. This book explores the changes to native senses of place, the conception of border - simultaneously as limitations and opportunities - and what the authors call "affective boundaries," "livelihood reconstruction," and "trans-Himalayan modernities." It addresses changing social, political, and environmental conditions that acknowledge growing external connectivity even as it emphasises the importance of place.

Appréciations et recensions

"This book offers a diverse collection of fascinating case studies that, taken together, present a transboundary approach that challenges the 'trait geographies' upon which much area studies is still based." Tim Oakes, University of Colorado, Boulder

"This is an excellent collection of original works. It makes an important contribution to transboundary studies and a dialogic approach to spatial and social processes in and beyond Asia." Li Zhang, University of California, Davis

"[This book] makes a timely and important contribution to borderland studies in general and, more specifically, supports a better understanding of the ongoing transformations to everyday life, resource governance, state power, modernity, and territoriality at the crossroads of highland Asia." Galen Murton, James Madison University (Pacific Affairs 2018)

"[This book] is an important contribution to the literature on Himalayan and borderland studies, which have been overshadowed by the cartographical practices of modern nation-states. [...] Ethnographically, this book enriches our understanding of the social and livelihood changes in the Himalayas. As such, it will be of great interest to scholars engaged in the study of the Himalayas, borderland studies, and development." Bendi Tso, Asian Ethnology 80, 1 (2021)

Michaud J. et al. (2016)Michaud, Jean; Meenaxi B. Ruscheweyh; Margaret B. Swain, 2016. Historical Dictionary of the Peoples of the Southeast Asian Massif. Second Edition. Lanham • Boulder • New York • London, Rowman & Littlefield, 594p.

INTRODUCTION:  Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Scale, Magnitude, and Range in the Southeast Asian Massif



"[T]his second edition is a significant addition as much has changed in the 10 years since the first edition. . . .Historical Dictionary of the Peoples of the Southeast Asian Massif, as a reference text, provides inclusive introductory information about this diverse geographical region. Designed for easy access and with over 250 new entries in the second edition, this is a useful tool for high school and college students. Areas of studies may include anthropology, archaeology, historical or current southeast Asian studies, and sociology." American Reference Books Annual

“Nearly 300 ethnic groups totaling around 100 million persons living as “persistently ignored minorities” in 10 different countries (Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, China, Taiwan and Malaysia) are covered with their linguistic, demographic, socio-cultural, economic and religious peculiarities in more than 700 cross-referenced entries. Practically most of the entries are new: if not brand new, updated and in many cases expanded. […] There is an incredible wealth of information in these entries. It is enough to read the ones on “Affirmative action”, “Hmong”, “Institute of Anthropology of Vietnam”, “Khun Sa”, “Laos, Highland minorities in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic”, “Strategic hamlets in Vietnam”, “Territoires militaires” or “Yunnan”, to name but a few, in order to grasp the importance of this Historical Dictionary.[…] A most useful reference book, a must for anybody interested in the vast “Zomian” region.”  Gábor Vargyas, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in Acta Ethnographica Hungarica

Turner S., Bonnin C., Michaud J. (2015)Turner S.,Bonnin C., Michaud J., 2015. Frontier Livelihoods: Hmong in the Sino-Vietnamese Borderlands. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Appréciations et recensions

"Frontier livelihoods is a highly sophisticated account and analysis of the integration of trans-border Hmong minorities into the wider economic maelstrom that engulfs them, yet does not necessarily overwhelm or destroy them." Magnus Fiskesjö, Cornell U. (Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute).

The book’s argument is in clear opposition to stereotypes held by national majority lowland ethnicities of hill tribe conservatism, entrepreneurial ineptness, or atavistic refusal. It undermines Marxist narratives that ascribe little power to marginal people in negotiating relations of capital. It reprimands the lack of attention to cultural meanings, trust relations, and everyday politics in classic livelihoods approaches. […] In doing so, the argument calls upon a variety of theories and concepts, including actor-centered approaches, indigenous modernity, border studies, and studies of micropolitics and resistance.” Christian Kull, U. de Lausanne (Mountain Research and Development).

"A highly readable and informative account of local economies under pressure from both market and state forces. This is a wonderful record of the realities of everyday decision-making among an ethnic minority in the borderlands between two socialist nation-states, presenting the full complexity of social and cultural contexts in which livelihood decisions are taken. It shows a diversity of indigenous responses to modernization, and will shed new light on our understandings of the workings of local agency at the margins of power and domination." Nicholas Tapp, Australian National U.

"This volume is certainly required reading for any scholar of the region. But it is of much wider value also for any scholar or student engaging with the analysis of economic development, rural livelihoods or the adaptation strategies of communities. It is a fine example of how in-depth ethnography of local practices and conditions provides insights that ought to be attended to on a much broader level. I will certainly be making this required reading for all my future postgraduate students who arrive (as they often do) thinking that ‘the livelihoods framework’ is an appropriate way to capture how people make their living, or that the use of any development ‘model’ can supplant the rich diversity of activities through which local communities thrive." Katharine McKinnon, La Trobe U. (The Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography).

"Frontier Livelihoods is a model example of a cross-border study on culturally specific actororiented approaches to livelihoods, everyday politics and the indigenisation of modernity. Although these three scholars have published widely elsewhere, the triangulation of their skills, experiences, knowledge and resources in this book presents the culmination of long-term ethnographic research with the Hmong in this region." Lona´n O´ Briain, U. of Nottingham (South East Asia Research).

"Frontier Livelihoods is one of the first books to systematically analyze the recent history of the same ethnic group in Vietnam and China. It is particularly valuable because it explores reactions to different policies with respect to 'development' in minority communities on both sides of the border. In addition, the analyses of commodities, from alcohol to buffaloes to cardamom, makes for fascinating reading." Stevan Harrell, U. of Washington.

The strength of this book derives from the authors’ vast expertise on the Hmong in Vietnam. Their micro-perspective, along with their combination of sharp observation and analysis, has produced an essential work for scholars of upland Vietnam that should also inspire scholars working on Laos and Thailand, or indeed on “Zomia” economies in general. It is also a must-read for development agents and their often overly simplistic socioeconomic “solutions.” The authors demonstrate an admirable cultural sensitivity, taking indigenous voices seriously in representing local perceptions and desires in a globalized world.” Oliver Tappe, U. of Cologne (Journal of Vietnamese Studies).

"Written in an extremely clear and engaging style, this book has a lot to offer to all those interested in borderlands studies and in the lives of those who inhabit the Southeast Asian Massif." Stéphane Gros, New Books Asia


Michaud J. et Forsyth T. (2011)Michaud J. & Forsyth T. (dirs), 2011. Moving Mountains: Ethnicity and Livelihoods in highland China, Vietnam and Laos. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Centré sur trois pays socialistes d'Asie, ce volume met à contribution dix auteurs de différents horizons qui questionnent la logique développementiste des trois états concernés face aux groupes minoritaires des hautes-terres. La discussion théorique fouille la notion de livelihoods au moyen du corpus des théories de l'ethnicité, méconnu dans les milieux du développement international. Il y est démontré que les modes de reproduction économique et identitaire dans cette vaste région sont beaucoup plus variés et créatifs qu'on ne le croit généralement, et que cette vivacité est un gage de dynamisme de l'identité chez ces groupes en porte-à-faux avec l'identité nationale dominante que cherchent à leur imposer la Chine, le Vietnam et le Laos.

Appréciations et recensions

"Moving Mountains manages the rare feat of bringing together a fine-tooth comb ethnography of upland peoples on the one hand with a theoretical and conceptual subtlety about the reach and limits of state power on the other. It becomes, on the spot, the indispensable source for understanding the socialist margins of Southeast Asia." James C. Scott, Political Science, Yale U.

"This expertly edited and unusually coherent collection of enlightening essays on livelihoods and cultural identities in the post-socialist situations of China, Vietnam and Laos, adds usefully to the emerging literature on the borderlands of what the editors call the ‘Southeast Asian Massif’...this well-edited book is an argument for and demonstration of the value of good ethnography in the developmental context and as such it deserves to be very widely read. " Nicholas Tapp, Australian National University (The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology)

"This is a first class edited study of the ethnic upland minorities who live in what the editors label “the Southeast Asian massif.” It is a scholarly, timely study that makes an important contribution to the general literature on indigenous peoples strategies in the face to the “developmentalism” of the national state." Terry McGee, Geography, U. of British Columbia.

"Moving Mountains provides a timely and rich series of highly interesting discussions of the interplay between livelihood and ethnicity on the margins of modern Asian states and especially on the historical agency of the resourceful but hard-pressed peoples of these mountains. This volume is especially important given recent changes engulfing the region, including globalization and the rapid expansion of Chinese state and commercial power." Magnus Fiskesjö, Department of Anthropology, Cornell University

"Both Michaud and Forsyth have made their marks as iconoclasts of highland change. True to form, then, this book is much more than a collection of individually interesting case studies. All the chapters have one thing in common: a desire to personalise economic and social transformations, and thus to disrobe ‘development’ of its technocratic clothing — to venacularise modernity." Jonathan Rigg, Geography, Durham U. (Journal of Southeast Asian Studies).

MIchaud J. (2017)OPEN ACCESS - Michaud J., 2007. 'Incidental' Ethnographers. French Catholic Missions on the Tonkin-Yunnan Frontier, 1880-1930. Leiden & Boston, Brill Academic Publishers, 280 p.

Cet ouvrage fondé sur plusieurs années de travail dans les archives françaises analyse, par l'examen des écrits missionnaires, la place qu'occupent ces ethnographes français non-professionnels de l'époque coloniale dans la fondation d'un corpus ethnologique sur les sociétés des hautes-terres sino-vietnamiennes, mais également dans la constitution de la discipline anthropologique moderne. Un parallèle est tracé avec les écrits missionnaires en Nouvelle France aux 17ème et 18ème siècles, pour conclure que les leçons sur l'ethnographie apprises tôt en Amérique n'ont pas été retenues par les successeurs en Indochine française. 

Appréciations et recensions

"This is an amazing piece of work, a real tour de force. It is an invaluable resource for those of us working on MEP, Catholic missionizing in general, and anyone studying the history of colonial Vietnam & Yunnan." Margaret Swain, U. of California at Davis.

"Jean Michaud has done a great service to the history of anthropology with his meticulously researched account. Through his own contemporary anthropological work in that region, Michaud is eminently qualified for the task, and the reader gets a vivid sense of the author’s dedication." Jan Ovesen, U. d'Uppsala (ASEASUK News).

"L'ouvrage est une précieuse contribution à l'histoire de l'ethnologie de l'Asie du Sud-Est. Fondé sur un imposant travail documentaire, il fait la synthèse à la fois des avancées et des limites de cette ethnographie pionnière, met parfaitement en relief son empirisme, son manque d'ouverture ainsi que le jeu des contraintes institutionnelles et idéologiques à l'origine de tels défauts." Bernard Formoso, U. de Paris X – Nanterre (Anthropologie et Sociétés).

"This is an excellent and expert engagement with the study of colonial missionary ethnography. […] The French colonial imagination of its significant others in the Vietnamese highlands has long demanded a serious and sober consideration and Michaud has performed a valuable service in drawing this body of material to the attention of the English-speaking world." Nicholas Tapp, Australian National U. (Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde).

Michaud J. (2006)Michaud J., 2006. Historical Dictionary of the Peoples of the South-East Asian Massif. Lanham (Maryland), Scarecrow Press, 355 p.

Télécharger l'introduction (PDF, 144 ko )

Il s'agit d'un ouvrage de référence (Cote Z) construit sous forme de dictionnaire alphabétique. C'est le premier ouvrage à être publié sur cette région d'altitude méconnue qui couvre le nord de la péninsule indochinoise, le sud-ouest de la Chine, et l'extrême nord-est du sous-continent indien. Il traite non pas d'un peuple en particulier mais plutôt d'un espace physique et social où se voisinent des centaines d'ethnicités aux destinées à la fois distinctes et liées. Ces groupes ayant en commun de partager un écosystème d'altitude, et de ne pas appartenir aux majorités nationales des huit pays qui se partagent le Massif Sud-Est Asiatique, soit plus de 120 millions de gens qu'on persiste à étiquetter 'minoritaires'.

2009: Réimpression en couverture souple sous le titre: The A to Z of the Peoples of the Southeast Asian Massif. Lanham (Maryland), Scarecrow Press.


"The Historical Dictionary of the Peoples of the Southeast Asian Massif by Jean Michaud is an indispensable source of information about these peoples. It is a welcome and necessary resource for library collections specializing in Southeast Asian studies." Dahlia Shamsuddin, National Library Board of Singapore (in Reference Reviews).

"I find this book to be very well researched and organized and it should be an important and useful reference work in the library of anyone with interests in Asia." Michael Howard, Simon Fraser University (in Pacific Affairs).


Tapp, N., Michaud J. et al (2004)Tapp, N., J.Michaud, C.Culas, G.Y.Lee (dirs) 2004. Hmong/Miao in Asia. Chiang Mai (Thailand): Silkworm, 500 p.

Cet ouvrage fait le point sur l'ethnologie des Hmong, un groupe minoritaire d'Asie composé de 4 millions d'individus. Le livre met à contribution la majorité des spécialistes mondiaux sur ce groupe pour traiter de l'histoire, de la linguistique, de(s) culture(s), de l'économie et du devenir des Hmong en Chine, au Vietnam, au Laos et en Thaïlande. Depuis sa parution en 2004, l'ouvrage est devenu un incontournable des études sur ce groupe.


"Hmong/Miao in Asia is a commendably explicit effort to address contemporary upland minority social issues in the context of an evolving transnational identity.[…] This book has set the stage for the growth of influential Hmong/Miao commentary on the challenges and opportunities faced by minority groups." Nathan Badenoch, Chiang Mai University.

"This first collective book on Hmong and other Miao is much of a portal opening on a wide new world of modern Asian ethnicities." Jacques Lemoine, CNRS France.

Michaud J. (2000)OPEN ACCESS  - Jean Michaud (dir.) 2000. Turbulent Times and Enduring Peoples. The Mountain Minorities of the South-East Asian Massif. London: Curzon Press, 255 p.

Turbulent Times and Enduring Peoples est le résultat des travaux d'anthropologues, d'historiens, et de géographes qui tentent de désenclaver du carcan de l'État-Nation les études de groupes minoritaires des hauteurs de l'Asie du Sud-Est et du sud de la Chine. Les auteurs font le pari que l'étude transfrontalière de ces groupes est nécessaire sinon, ceux-ci se retrouvent morcelés entre plusieurs pays voisins et y perdent leur intégrité culturelle et historique.


“The main strength of Michaud’s collection is its historical contextualization of ethnic groups within changing circumstances in the highlands, and its unusual – yet extremely useful – focus on the transboundary movements and cultures of the groups, rather than reference only to people within a national territory.” Tim Forsyth, LSE, in Progress in Development Studies.

“This is a book that raises questions about external agents of globalizing forces - missionaries, tourists, soldiers, traders, and bureaucrats through eras of imperialism, colonialism, national/international wars, and global capital. It also begins to address agency of the locals with identities of their own.” Margaret B. Swain, UC Davis, in American Anthropologist.


Direction de numéros thématiques de revues scientifiques

Michaud J. (dir.) 2010, Zomia and Beyond: A Challenge to Area Studies in Global History. Numéro thématique du Journal of Global History 5(2) (Cambridge/LSE, Royaume-Uni).

Michaud J. et M.Picard (dirs) 2001, Tourisme et sociétés locales en Asie orientale. Numéro thématique de Anthropologie et Sociétes. 25(2).

Turner S., A.Hardy, J.Michaud (dirs), 2000, Migration, markets and social change in the highlands of Vietnam. Numéro thématique de Asia-Pacific Viewpoint. 41(1) (Victoria U., Nouvelle Zélande).

Sélection d'articles et de chapitres de volumes

Michaud, J. 2025. "Rivalité, contournement, et désirs de science. Missionnaires ethnographes sur la frontière sino-tonkinoise au tournant du XXème siècle." In Anne Dalles & Marion Robineau (eds) Regards croisés sur les productions de missionnaires chrétiens en terres lointaines. Lausanne : Peter Lang.

Roberge, D. & J. Michaud & P. Lutard. 2024. Socialist-Neoliberal Conservation: Resilience within the Hoàng Liên Sơn Park, Vietnam. Conservation and Society

Michaud, J. 2024. "Priest, Rebel and Scholar : François-Marie Savina in Tonkin (Vietnam), 1901-1941." Anthropos 119(1): 1-17.

Michaud, J. and Sarah Turner. 2024. “Cultural Concretions: Hmong Creative Adaptation in Vietnam.” Roadsides 11: 45-53. https://doi.org/10.26034/roadsides-202401107

Petit, P. & J. Michaud. 2024. "Introduction." Pp.1-31, in Pierre Petit & Jean Michaud (Eds) Chasing Traces. History and Ethnography in the Uplands of Socialist Asia. Honolulu: U. of Hawai’i Press.

Michaud, J. 2024. "With Military Precision: A Reflexive Examination of Colonial Ethnography as an Act of Occupation and a Milestone for Today." Pp.52-76, in Pierre Petit & Jean Michaud (eds) Chasing Traces. History and Ethnography in the Uplands of Socialist Asia.Honolulu: U. of Hawai’i Press.

Michaud, J. & Simon Bilodeau 2024. "Infrastructure meets Infrapolitics. Emic negotiation of state and market inputs in upland northern Vietnam." The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 25(2): 129-151.

Roberge, D. & J. Michaud. 2024. "Mesures néolibérales, réponses locales : Hmong et Yao de Sa Pa face à l’expansion du système de conservation environnementale de Hoàng Liên Sơn, au Vietnam."  In Frédéric Bourdier (dir.) Colonialisme Vert : Les peuples autochtones en Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est face au défi écologique et aux instances de conservation. Paris: l’Harmattan.

Michaud, J. 2023. "Incidental Ethnographers: Considerations on Missionary and Military Ethnography from the Borderlands of Tonkin and Yunnan." Proceedings of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences (Bruxelles) 2(1): 225-38.

Michaud J. 2022. "Ethnography in the Northern Vietnamese Highlands." Pp. 430-50. In J. Wouters & N. Heneise (eds) Routledge Handbook of Highland Asia. London : Routledge.

Turner S. & J. Michaud, 2022. "Intergenerational strategies: The successes and failures of a Thai family’s approach to labour migration." In Statham, P., Scuzzarello, S., Sunanta, S., & Trupp, A. (Eds.). Thai-western Mobilities and Migration: Intimacy Within Cross-border Connections. London: Routledge.

Michaud J. 2020.  "Is this Pa Chay Vue? A study in three frames." The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. 31(2): 363-91.

Po, June, Jennifer Langill, Sarah Turner & Jean Michaud. 2020. "Distilling Culture into Commodity? The Emergent Homemade Alcohol Trade and Gendered Livelihoods in Upland Northern Vietnam." The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 21(5):397-415.

Michaud J., 2020. "The Art of Not Being Scripted So Much. The Politics of Writing Hmong Language(s)." Current Anthropology 61(2):240-63  D.O.I. https://doi.org/10.1086/708143.

Turner S. & J. Michaud, 2020. "Intergenerational strategies: The successes and failures of a Thai family’s approach to labour migration." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46(8):1647-65. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1544487

Michaud J. 2020. "Nghiên cứu về kinh tế và bản sắc của người H’mông ở Việt Nam" [A Study of Identity and Economy of the Hmong in Vietnam]. Pp.73-120. In Lương Văn Hy, Ngô Văn Lệ, Nguyễn Văn Tiệp, Phan Thị Yến Tuyết (Eds) Hiện Đại Và Động Thái Của Truyền Thống Ở Việt Nam: Những Cách Tiếp Cận Nhân Học Quyển 1: Môi Trường Và Kinh Tế [Modernity and Dynamics of Tradition in Vietnam: Anthropological approaches. Vol 1 : Environment and Economy]. Nhà xuất bản khoa học xã hội [Hanoi: Social Sciences Publishing House]

Michaud J., 2018. "Zomia and Beyond." Pp. 73-88. In M. Saxer, A. Rippa & A. Horstmann (Eds) Routledge Handbook of Asian Borderlands. London: Routledge.

Michaud J., 2018. "Adjusting Livelihood Structure in the Southeast Asian Massif." Pp.45-64; and "Conclusion: Frictions in Trans-Himalayan Studies." Pp.285-98. In Smyer Yü, Dan  &  J. Michaud (Eds). Trans-Himalayan Borderlands: Livelihoods, Territorialities, Modernities. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Michaud, J. 2017 "法国殖民军事民族志记录中的越南北部 边境生计ꎬ 1897-1904" [Livelihoods in the Vietnamese Northern Borderlands Recorded in French Colonial Military Ethnographies 1897-1904], translated by Zhang Min张敏译. In Dan Smyer Yu, Li Yunxia and Zeng Li, eds. 环喜马拉雅区域研究编译文集一——环境、生计与文化 [Trans-Himalayan Studies Reader Vol.I: Environment, Livelihood and Culture]. 学苑出版社 [Beijing: Academy Press], pp.240-266.

Michaud, J. 2017. “佐米亚及其影响力” [Zomia and Beyond], translated by Chen Jianhua and Tan Liying (陈建华、谭丽赢译). In Dan Smyer Yu, Su Faxiang and Li Yunxia, eds. 环喜马拉雅区域研究编译文集二——佐米亚、边疆与跨界 [Trans-Himalayan Studies Reader Vol.II: Zomia, Frontiers and Borderlands]. 学院出版社 [Beijing: Academy Press] pp.12-46.

Michaud J., 2017. Comment on Jinba Tenzin (PDF, 867 Ko), 2017, "Seeing Like Borders: Convergence Zone as a Post-Zomian Model." Current Anthropology. 58(5).

Michaud J. & S. Turner 2017. "Reaching New Heights. State Legibility in Sa Pa, a Vietnam Hill Station" (PDF, 2,1 Mo). Annals of Tourism Research 66:37-48.

Michaud J., 2017 "What’s (written) history for? On James C. Scott’s Zomia, especially Chapter 6½" (PDF, 3,3 Mo). Anthropology Today 33(1): 6-10.

Michaud J., 2016 "Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Scale, Magnitude, and Range in the Southeast Asian Massif" (PDF, 1,1 Mo). Pp. 1-40 in Michaud, Jean;  Meenaxi B. Ruscheweyh; and Margaret B. Swain, Historical Dictionary of the Peoples of the South-East Asian Massif. Second Edition. Lanham • Boulder • New York • London: Rowman & Littlefield.

Michaud J. et S. Turner, 2016 "Tonkin’s uplands at the turn of the 20th century: Colonial military enclosure and local livelihood effects" (PDF, 343 Ko). Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 57(2): 154-67.

Turner, S. et J. Michaud, 2016 "Sinh kế nơi biên cương: Sự thích ứng của người Hmông ở vùng biên giới Việt-Trung."[Frontier Livelihoods: Hmong resilience in the Sino-Vietnamese borderlands], pp.315-333 in Nguyễn Văn Sửu, Lâm Bá Nam, Vương Xuân Tình, Nguyễn Văn Huy (eds) Nhân Học Ở Việt Nam: Lịch Sử, Hiện Trạng Và Triển Vọng [Anthropology in Vietnam: History, Current Status and prospects]. Hanoi: Nhà xuất bản Tri thức.

Michaud, J., 2015 "Livelihoods in the Vietnamese Northern Borderlands Recorded in French Colonial Military Ethnographies 1897–1904" (PDF, 913 Ko). The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 16(4): 343-367.

Michaud, J., 2014 "Comment [p.268]" (PDF, 307 Ko) on Ben Orlove, Heather Lazrus, Grete K. Hovelsrud, and Alessandra Giannini, Recognitions and Responsibilities on the Origins and Consequences of the Uneven Attention to Climate Change around the World. Current Anthropology 55(3):249-75.

Michaud, J., 2013 "French military ethnography in colonial upper Tonkin (northern Vietnam), 1897-1904" (PDF, 908 Ko). Journal of Vietnamese Studies 8(4):1-46.

Michaud J., 2013 "Comrades of minority policy in China, Vietnam, and Laos" (PDF, 2 Mo), pp.22-39. In S. Turner (ed.) Red stamps and gold stars. Fieldwork dilemmas in upland socialist Asia. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Michaud J., 2012 "Hmong Infrapolitics. A view from Vietnam" (PDF, 350 Ko). Ethnic and Racial Studies. 35(11):1853-1873. DOI:10.1080/01419870.2011.615411

Messier P., Michaud J., 2012 "'The nice culture and the good behaviour'. State Media and Ethnic Minorities in Lào Cai Province, Vietnam" (PDF, 6 Mo). Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power. 19(3):339-359.  DOI:10.1080/1070289X.2012.705251

Forsyth T. & J. Michaud, 2011 "Rethinking the relationship between livelihoods and ethnicity in highland China, Vietnam and Laos" (PDF, 261 Ko). In J. Michaud & T. Forsyth (dirs), Moving Mountains: Highland Livelihoods and Ethnicity in China, Vietnam and Laos. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. Pp.1-27.

Michaud J., 2011 "Conclusion: Lesson for the Future" (PDF, 94 Ko). In J. Michaud & T. Forsyth (dirs), Moving Mountains: Highland Livelihoods and Ethnicity in China, Vietnam and Laos. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. Pp. 215-227.

Michaud J., 2010, "Editorial: Zomia and Beyond" (PDF, 1,1 Mo). Journal of Global History 5(2):187-214.

Michaud J., 2010 "Research Note: Fieldwork, supervision, and trust" (PDF, 129 Ko). Asia Pacific Viewpoint 51(2). Special issue on Methodological challenges and fieldwork dilemmas in studying ethnic minorities in upland Vietnam, Laos and southwest China.

Michaud J., 2009 "Handling Mountain Minorities in China, Vietnam and Laos : From History to Current Issues" (PDF, 240 Ko). Asian Ethnicity 10(1): 25-49.

Turner S. & J. Michaud, 2009 "Weapons of the Week': Selective Resistance and Agency among the Hmong in Northern Vietnam" (PDF, 2,6 Mo). Pp.45-60. In S. Turner & D. Caouette (dirs) Agrarian Angst and Rural Resistance in Contemporary Southeast Asia. London: Routledge.

Michaud J., 2008, «Flexibilité de l'économie chez les Hmong de la haute région du Viêt-nam septentrional» (PDF, 987 Ko). Aséanie 22:48-69.

Turner S., et J. Michaud, 2008 "Imaginative and Adaptive Economic Strategies for Hmong Livelihoods in Lào Cai Province, Northern Vietnam" (PDF, 995 Ko). Special issue 'Minorities at Large: New Approaches to Minority Ethnicity in Vietnam.' Journal of Vietnamese Studies (Berkeley) 3(3):158-190.

Michaud J., 2006 "Introduction" (PDF, 156 Ko) Pp: 1-25. In Historical Dictionary of the Peoples of the South-East Asian Massif. Lanham (Maryland), Scarecrow Press.

Michaud J. et S. Turner, 2006 "Contending Visions of a Hill-Station in Vietnam" (PDF, 202 Ko). Annals of Tourism Research 33(3) : 785-808.

Hemmett C. et J. Michaud 2005 "Peuples d'Asie: traditions et modernite (Miao/Hmong)", Guide du Musée du Quai Branly, Paris.

Culas C., J. Michaud, 2004 "A contribution to the study of Hmong (Miao) migrations and history" (PDF, 1,2 Mo). Pp.61-96. In N.Tapp, J.Michaud, C.Culas, G.Y.Lee (dirs) Hmong/Miao in Asia. Chiang Mai: Silkworm.

Michaud J., 2004, "French Missionary Expansion in Colonial Upper-Tonkin" (PDF, 378 Ko). Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore) 35(2):287-310.

Michaud J., 2004 "Missionary Ethnographers in Upper-Tonkin: The Early Years" (PDF, 101 Ko). Asian Ethnicity 5(2):179-194.

Michaud J., 2004, "Hmong" et "Montagnards", in Ooi Keat Gin (dir.) Southeast Asia: A Historical Encyclopedia, from Angkor Wat to Timor . ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara.

Michaud J., 2004,"Québécois". In vol.3 of Carl Skutsch (dir.) Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities, 3 volumes. London, Routledge. Pp.989-990.

Michaud J. et S. Turner 2003 «Tribulations d'un marché de montagne du Nord-Vietnam» (PDF, 509 Ko). Études rurales. n° 165-166: 53-80, janvier-juin.

Michaud J. et S. Turner et Y. Roche, 2002 "Mapping Ethnic Diversity in Highland Northern Vietnam" (PDF, 2,4 Mo). Geo Journal 57(4): 281-299.

Michaud J. et M. Picard (dirs) 2001 «Tourisme et sociétés locales en Asie orientale», numéro thématique de Anthropologie et Sociétes. 25(2). Incluant:

Michaud J., 2000, "The Montagnards in Northern Vietnam from 1802 to 1975. A Historical Overview from Exogenous Sources" (PDF, 1,1 Mo). Ethnohistory 47(2):333-68.

Turner S., A. Hardy et J. Michaud (dirs) 2000 “Migration, markets and social change in the highlands of Vietnam,” numéro thématique de Asia -Pacific Viewpoint. 41(1). Incluant:

Michaud J. et J. McKinnon, 2000 "Presentation. Montagnard Domain in the South-East Asian Massif," in J. Michaud (dir.) Turbulent Times and Enduring Peoples. The Mountain Minorities of the South-East Asian Massif. London: Curzon Press. Pp. 1-25.

Michaud J. "A Historical Panorama of the Montagnards in Northern Vietnam Under French Rule." In Jean Michaud (ed.) Turbulent Times and Enduring Peoples. The Mountain Minorities of the South-East Asian Massif. London: Curzon Press. Pp. 51-76.

Michaud J.,1998 «Tourisme et contrôle étatique dans les périphéries nationales. Études de cas chez des minorités montagnardes d'Inde et de Thaïlande» dans F. Michel (dir.) Tourismes, Touristes, Sociétés. Paris: l'Harmattan. Pp. 289-314.

Michaud J., 1997, "Economic transformation in a Hmong village of Thailand" (PDF, 299 Ko). Human Organization 56(2) : 222-232.

Culas C., J. Michaud, 1997 "A contribution to the study of Hmong (Miao) migrations and history." Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (BKI)153-II : 211-242.

Michaud J.,1997, “A Portrait of Cultural Resistance. The Confinement of Tourism in a Hmong Village in Thailand .” In M.Picard et R.E.Wood (dir.) Tourism, Ethnicity and the State in Asian and Pacific Societies. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. Pp. 128-15.

Mémoires et thèses

En cours

  • Patrick SLACK, (boursier FRQSC, Wenner-Gren) Geography, McGill. A comparative study of upland livelihoods in Lào Cai and Lai Châu provinces, Vietnam. 2020-  (comité)
  • Jennifer LANGILL (boursière CRSH-Bombardier), Geography, McGill. Livelihoods strategies in a Hmong village of Northern Thailand. 2018- (comité)
  • ZHAO Feiliu (boursière China Scholarship Council), Anthropologie, Laval. Développement économique chez les Miao du Guizhou, Chine. 2016-
  • Mélie MONNERAT (boursière FRQSC), Geography, McGill. The price of spice: How high value non-timber forest product commodity chains influence ethnic minority livelihoods in northern Vietnam. 2016- (comité)
  • YU Liqing, Anthropologie, Laval. La production sociale du quartier Nanluoguxiang de Pékin de 1980 à 2015: Désirs, attentes et stratégies d'une population locale diversifiée face au pouvoir étatique en Chine socialiste. 2013-
  • Stéphane PELLETIER (boursier CRSH & FRQSC), Anthropologie, Laval. Surveillance, compassion et politique du corps : enjeux des employés québécois de la haute technologie à l’aube d’une gestion des comportements humains à l’aide de l’intelligence artificielle. 2023-
  • Jean-Philippe GENEST, Anthropologie, Laval. Construction de l'identité acadienne. 2023-
  • Paul LUTARD, Anthropologie, Laval. Montagnards et forêts dans le nord du Vietnam. 2022-
  • Mysaëlle LAVOIE-LEMIEUX (boursière CRSH-Bombardier & FRQSC), Anthropologie, Laval. Migrations urbaines des Iban de Sarawak, Malaisie. 2021-


Thèses de doctorat
  • Anne Marie ROUILLIER, Anthropologie, Laval.  "Avant j’avais des principes, maintenant j’ai des enfants" : réactions face aux injonctions de bien-être de santé publique en contexte québécois. Le cas de l’alimentation des 0-2 ans de la Capitale-Nationale. 2022.
  • Pascale-Marie MILAN (boursière Frontenac et Région Rhône-Alpes), Anthropologie, co-tutelle Lyon et Laval. Tourisme et changement social chez les Na de Chine. Approche anthropologique comparée d’une coutume matrimoniale: le séssé. 2019.
  • Éric GAGNON-POULIN (boursier FRQSC) Anthropologie, Laval. Pauvreté et inégalités sociales, Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches: vécu et représentations. 2019.
  • Richard OWENS, Anthropology, Georgia U. (USA), adviser. Stepping on Steep Slopes: measuring highland smallholder investment practices in Northwest Vietnam. 2013 (comité).
  • Christine BONNIN, (boursière CRSH), Geography, McGill. Markets in the Mountains: Exploring Geographies of Market Exchange, Trade Practices and Trader Livelihoods in Upland Northern Vietnam. 2012 (comité).
  • Candice CORNET, (boursière CRSH), Anthropologie, Laval. The Indigenization of Tourism-Led Modernization. The Dong of Zhaoxing, Southeast Guizhou (1990-2010). 2011.
  • Papia RAJ, Geography, McGill, Social Impacts of Economic Liberalization on Young Adults in India. 2009 (comité).
  • Barry BELL, Architecture, McGill, The Narrative of Form and Order at Wat Pho, Bangkok. 2007 (comité).
  • NGUYEN An Phuong, (boursière UK Overseas Research Scholarship), South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull (UK), Between 'still society' and 'moving society': life choices and value orientations of Hanoi university graduates in post-reform Vietnam. 2003.
  • Vatthana PHOLSENA, (boursière ESRC scholarship), South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull (UK), Constituting the Nation in Post-Socialist Laos. Narratives, Representation and Power. 2001.
Mémoires de maîtrise
  • Simon BILODEAU (boursier CRSH & FRQSC), Anthropologie, Laval. Harnessing the Margins: Negotiations Over Tourism Development Among the Hmong of Đồng Văn and Mèo Vạc Districts, Northern Vietnam. 2022.
  • Dominic ROBERGE (boursier CRSH & FRQSC), Anthropologie, Laval. Expansions et résistances dans le Parc national Hoàng Liên Sơn : les réponses des Hmong et Yao face à un système territorialisé de protection de l’environnement dans la province de Lào Cai, au Vietnam. 2022.
  • Patrick SLACK, Geography, McGill. Cardamom growing and trade in Bat Xat district, northern Vietnam. 2019 (comité)
  • Jean-Daniel VACHON (boursier CRSH) Anthropologie, Laval.  Preparing for the Unknown. The Livelihood Strategies of the Displaced Karen from Burma in Times of Decreasing Humanitarian Aid in Thailand. 2019.
  • Antoine GARNIER, Anthropologie, Laval. Les Hmong et le tourisme ethnique à Sa Pa : entre modernité et micro-résistances. 2019.
  • Abe SODBERG, Geography, McGill. Exploring livelihood change in a rural upland Hmong village in Yunnan, China. 2018 (comité).
  • Jonathan PARADIS, Anthropologie, Laval. L’indigénisation de la subjectivité néolibérale chez les étudiants de la Royal University of Phnom Penh au Cambodge. 2018.
  • Karen BOUCHARD, Anthropologie, Laval. Water Governance in the Highlands of Kalinga:  A Comparative Study of Three Indigenous Communities of the Cordillera Administrative Region, Luzon, Philippines. 2017.
  • Rémi Dareth CHHEM, Anthropologie, Laval. Se réapproprier la propriété foncière et immobilière de la ville de Battambang dans le contexte (post-)socialiste et (post-)conflit du Cambodge de 1979 à 1993. 2015.
  • Marc-André MORENCY, Anthropologie (boursier CRSH), Laval. Le Khalsa à Montréal. Hétérogénéité d'une diaspora et processus ethniques dans la communauté sikhe montréalaise. 2014.
  • Mathieu POULIN-LAMARRE (Boursier CRSH), Anthropologie, Laval. HMONG 2.0. Négociations identitaires en ligne dans les marges chinoises. 2012.
  • Philippe MESSIER, Anthropologie, Laval. L’intégration à la majorité par l’image: dynamiques et stratégies de représentations des groupes minoritaires du district de Sa Pa du Vietnam postsocialiste. 2010.
  • Lindsay LONG-ANDERSON, Geography, McGill. Unravelling the threads: The evolving complexities of the highland textile trade in northern Vietnam and beyond. 2010 (comité)
  • Vincent LANDRY, Anthropologie (boursier CRSH), Laval. Écotourisme, environnement et stratégies d’acteurs au Laos: l’écogouvernance dans le corridor économique Nord-Sud. 2010.
  • François FORTIN-DESCHÊNES, Anthropologie, Montréal. Domination, résistance et espace de dialogue. Les dynamiques de transformation de l'hégémonie au Viêtnam. 2009.
  • Marise LACHAPELLE, Anthropologie, Montréal. Tourisme et changement social: le cas des Khmu de Ban Nalan, Laos. 2007.
  • Ménaïque LÉGARÉ-DIONNE, Anthropologie, Montréal. Itinéraires de guérison chez une population de culture tibétaine en exil à Dharamsala (Inde). 2007.
  • Claire TUGAULT-LAFLEUR, Geography, McGill. Diversifying Livelihoods: Hmong Use and Trade of Forest Products in Northern Vietnam. 2007 (comité)
  • Laura SCHOENBERGER, Geography, McGill. Crossing the line: the changing nature of highlander cross-border trade in Northern Vietnam. 2007 (comité)
  • Sophie BOURQUE, Anthropologie, Montréal, Les Hmong de Luang Prabang: Acteurs du développement de l’écotourisme au Village de la montagne coupée. 2007.
  • Steeve DAVIAU (boursier CRSH) Anthropologie, Montréal. Développement, modernité et relocalisation: Étude de cas de la zone focale de la Namma, district de Long, province de Louang Namtha, Laos. 2005.
  • Caroline GOULET, Anthropologie, Montréal. Rhétorique égalitariste contre pragmatisme autoritaire: les politiques d’État vietnamiennes et leurs implications pour les Hmong/Dao. 2005.
  • Dominique COURTOIS, Géographie, Montréal. Développement dans la province de Chiang Mai. Enquête sur la modernisation du paysage culturel, le tourisme et leur impact sur l'intégration des femmes Hmong. 2005.

Examinateur de thèses

  • L. Mouton, Linguistique, U. Lumière Lyon-2 (France), « Esquisse grammaticale du Hmong noir. Étude comparative de l’expression de l’espace dans les langues hmong.” 2023. 2ème rapporteur.

  • A-A. Métivier, Anthropologie, U. Laval (Canada), "Devenir « mindful ». Enchevêtrement de la morale et de la science dans la recherche psychologique sur le mindfulness." 2023. Examinateur interne.

  • C. Morin-Boulais, Anthropologie, U. Laval (Canada), “La construction d'un espace minier à travers ses dimensions matérielle, idéologique et expérientielle: le cas de l'Abitibi.” 2022. Examinateur interne.

  • M.-M. Grenon, Anthropologie, U. Laval (Canada), "De Yo, sí puedo à ArrowMight : un exemple de coopération « Sud-Nord » dans le domaine de la littératie." 2022. Examinateur interne.

  • Nguyen Van Huy, Global Studies, Murdoch University (Australia). “Kinh and Ethnic Minority Stakeholder Perspectives of Tourism Development in Sapa, Vietnam.” 2021. Examinateur externe.

  • Tran Hong Thu, Anthropology, Australian National University. "Belonging in the Karst Mountains: Hmong Ways of Life on Dong Van Karst Plateau, Vietnam." 2020. Examinateur externe.

  • M. Vivion, Anthropologie, U. Laval (Canada), “Habitus informationnel 2.0 : approche parentale et hésitation à la vaccination à l’ère d’internet.” 2019. Examinateur interne.

  • P. Ngirumpatse, Sciences humaines appliquées, U. de Montréal (Canada), «"Appropriation" des processus de développement par les pays en développement? Une perspective des acteurs sociaux nationaux. Étude de cas: Rwanda.» 2015. Examinateur externe.
  • N. Århem, Anthropologie, Université d'Uppsala (Suède), «Forests, Spirits and High Modernist Development. A Study of Cosmology and Change among the Katuic Peoples in the Uplands of Laos and Vietnam.» 2015. Opposant.
  • C. Grillot, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. «The Fringes of Conjugality. On fantasies, tactics and representations of Sino-Vietnamese encounters in borderlands.» 2013. Examinateur externe.
  • R. von Luebke, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. «Between Subsistence and Market. Livelihood Choices of Karen Uplanders in Northwest Thailand.» 2008. Examinateur externe.
  • I. Baird, Geography, U. of British Columbia. «Different Forms of Colonialism: The Social and Spatial Reorganisation of the Brao in Southern Laos and Northern Cambodia.» 2008. Examinateur externe.
  • J.F. Lemay, Anthropology, Université Laval, «Mouvements sociaux transnationaux: le partenariat de deux organisations de commerce équitable en France et au Pérou.» 2007. Examinateur interne.
  • F.B. McShane, Geography, McGill University, «Mining Tradition or Breaking New Ground? Minerals exploration and stakeholders relationships in Fiji.» 2003. Examinateur externe.
  • L. S. Pabiot, Anthropology, U. of Hong Kong, «Dressing Up the Miaozu: An Anthropological Perspective on the Invention of the "Miao Costumes" in the People's Republic of China.» 2002. Examinateur externe.
  • S. Khamanarong, South-East Asian Studies, U. of Hull (UK). «Rural Industrialisation and Policy Formulation: A Case Study of North-East Thailand.» 1996. Examinateur interne.

Intérêts de recherche

  • Anthropologie critique
  • Anthropologie économique
  • Anthropologie historique
  • Hégémonie culturelle
  • Hmong
  • Minorités et mondialisation
  • Résistance
  • Sociétés du Massif sud-est asiatique

Dans les médias