Livres ou chapitres de livre
Luyten, P., Malcorps, S., Ensink, K., & Fonagy, P. (sous presse). Assessment of Mentalizing. In A. Bateman & P. Fonagy (Eds.). Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice. New York : American Psychiatric Association.
Midgley, N., Ensink, K., Lindqvest, K., Malberg, N., & Muller, N. (2018) Mentalization Based Treatment for Children. In A. Bateman & P. Fonagy (Eds.). Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice. New York. American Psychiatric Association
Midgley, N., Ensink, K., Lindqvest, K., Malberg, N., & Muller, N. (2017) Mentalization Based Treatment for Children (MBT-C): A Time Limited Approach. Washington: American Psychological Association.
Ensink, K., Dugal, C., Lebel, V., Biberdzic, M., & Normandin, L. (2017). La parentalité: Défis des conjoints et position mentalisante. In S. Sabourin, C. Belanger & Y. Lussier (Eds.), Fondements de la Psychologie du Couple (pp. 285-303). Montréal: Press of the University of Quebec.
Laurent, G., & Ensink, K. (2017). Développement socio-émotionnel. In R. Miljkovitch, R. Morange-Majoux, & E. Sander (Eds.), Mini Traité de Psychologie du Développement, (pp. 135-144). Paris : Elsevier Masson.
Normandin, L., Ensink, K., Yeomans, F. E., & Kernberg, O. F. (2014). Transference-focused Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders in Adolescence. In C. Sharp & J. Tackett (Eds.), Handbook of Borderline Personality Disorder in Children and Adolescents (Chapter 25). New York: Springer Press.
Articles scientifiques (avec comité de lecture)
Ensink, K., Borelli, J., Roy, J., Slade, A., Normandin, L., Fonagy, P. (sous presse). Costs of Not Getting to Know You: Lower Levels of Parental Reflective Functioning Confer Risk for Maternal Insensitivity and Insecure Infant Attachment. Infancy.
Ensink, K., Bégin, M., Kotiuga, J., & Normandin, L. (sous presse). Psychometric Properties of the French Version of the Borderline Personality Features Scale for Children and Adolescents. Adolescent Psychiatry.
Bizzi, F., Ensink, K., Borelli, J., Charpentier, M.S. & Cavanna, D. (sous presse). Attachment and Reflective Fuctioning in Children with Somatic Symptom Disorders and Disruptive Behavior Disorders. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Chretien, S., Ensink, K., & Normandin, L. (sous presse). Measuring Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissism in Adolescents. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Duval, J., Ensink, K., Normandin, L., & Fonagy, P. (sous presse). Mentalizing mediates the relationship between childhood maltreatment and adolescent borderline and narcissistic personality traits. Adolescent Psychiatry.
Laurent, G., Hect, H. K., Ensink, K., & Borelli, J., (sous presse). Emotional Understanding, Aggression, and Social Functioning among Preschoolers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.
Sharp, C., Penner, F., & Ensink, K. (sous presse). Reflective function and borderline traits in adolescents. Journal of Personality Disorders.
Wiener, A., Ensink, K., & Normandin, L. (sous presse) Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescents. Psychiatric Clinics of North America.
Borelli, J., Ensink, K., Hong, K., Theriault-Sereno, A., Drury, R., Fonagy, P. (2018) School-Aged Children With Higher Reflective Functioning Exhibit Lower Cardiovascular Reactivity. Frontiers in Medicine, 5, 196. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2018.00196
Biberdzic, M., Ensink, K., Normandin, L., & Clarkin, J.F. (2018). Empirical Typology of Adolescent Personality Organization. Journal of Adolescence. 66, 31-48. doi : 10.1016/j.adolescence.2018.04.004
Duval, J., Ensink, K., Normandin, L., Sharp, C., & Fonagy, P. (2018). Measuring Reflective Functioning in Adolescents; Relation to Personality Disorders and Psychological Difficulties. Adolescent Psychiatry, 8(1), 5-20. doi : 10.2174/2210676608666180208161619
Ensink, K., Godbout, N., Bingras, N., Lampron, J., Sabourin, S., & Normandin, L. (2018) Persistent and Transitory Sexualized Behavior Problems in Children Child Psychiatry and Human Development 49(3) doi : 10.1007/s10578-017-0778-0
Biberdzic, M., Ensink, K., Normandin, L., & Clarkin, J.F. (2017). Psychometric Properties of the Inventory of Personality Organization for Adolescents. Adolescent Psychiatry, 7(2), 127-15. doi: 10.2174/2210676607666170607141146
Bégin, M., Ensink, K., Chabot, S., Normandin, L., & Fonagy, P. (2017). Childhood Maltreatment, Adolescent Psychological Difficulties and Borderline Personality Features: A Person-Centered Approach. Adolescent Psychiatry, 7(4), 330-343. doi: 10.2174/2210676608666180119165039
Ensink, K., Chrétien, S. L., Daigle, D., Normandin, L., Bégin, M., & Fonagy, P. (2017). Pathological Narcissism in Adolescents: Relationships with Childhood Maltreatment and Internalizing and Externalizing Difficulties. Adolescent Psychiatry, 7(4), 300-314. doi : 10.2174/2210676608666180119165731
Ensink, K., Normandin, L., Bégin, M., & Fonagy, P. (2017). Parental Reflective Functioning as a Moderator of Child Internalising Difficulties in the Context of Child Sexual Abuse. Psychiatry Research, 257, 361-366. doi : 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.07.051
Ensink, K., Berthelot, N., Bégin, M., Maheux, J., & Normandin, L. (2017). Dissociation Mediates the Relationship between Sexual Abuse and Child Psychological Difficulties. Child abuse and Neglect, 69, 116-124. doi : 10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.04.017
Ensink, K., Leroux, A., Biberdzic, M., Normandin, L. & Fonagy, P. (2017). Assessing Reflective Parenting in Interaction with School-Aged Children. Journal of Personality Assessment, 99(6), 585-595. doi: 10.1080/00223891.2016.1270289
Ensink, K., Rousseau, M.-E., Biberzdic, M., & Normandin, L. (2017). Reflective Functioning and Personality Organization; Associations with Maternal Behaviors in Interaction with Infants. Infant Mental Health Journal, 38(3), 351-362. doi : 10.1002/imhj.21643
Ensink, K., Bégin, M., Normandin, L., Godbout, N., & Fonagy, P. (2016): Mentalization and dissociation in the context of trauma: Implications for child psychopathology, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 18(1), 11-30. doi : 10.1080/15299732.2016.1172536
Bérubé-Beaulieu, E., Ensink, K., & Normandin, L. (2016). Fonctionnement réflexif de la mère et désorganisation de l’attachement de l’enfant : Liens avec la sensibilité et l’orientation maternelle. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 37(3), 7-28.
Ensink, K., Bégin, M., Normandin, L. & Fonagy, P. (2016). Le fonctionnement réflexif maternel et les symptômes internalisés et externalisés des enfants en contexte d’abus sexuel à l’enfance. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 37(3), 117–133. doi :10.7202/1040163ar
Muñoz Specht, P., Ensink, K., Normandin,L., & Midgley, N. (2016). Mentalizing techniques used by psychodynamic therapists working with children and early adolescents. The Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 80(4), 281-315. doi: 10.1521/bumc.2016.80.4.281
Terradas, M., Domon-Archambault, V., Achim, J., & Ensink, K. (2016). Évaluations et interventions cliniques en pédopsychiatrie : contribution de la notion de mentalisation et de ses précurseurs à la pratique. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 37(3), 135-157. doi : 10.7202/1040164ar
Berthelot, N., Ensink, K., & Drouin-Maziade, C. (2016). Les défis de la parentalité pour les adultes exposés à de mauvais traitements au cours de leur enfance. In C. Giraudeau & G. Chasseigne (Eds.), Éléments pour une Psychologie de la Maltraitance (p. 53-80). St-Denis, France : Éditions Publibook.
Ensink, K., Bégin, M., Normandin, L., & Fonagy, P. (2016). Maternal and child reflective functioning in the context of child sexual abuse: Pathways to depression and externalising difficulties. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 7(1), 1-10. doi : 10.3402/ejpt.v7.30611
Ensink, K., Bégin, M., Normandin, L., Godbout, N., & Fonagy, P. (2016): Mentalization and dissociation in the context of trauma: Implications for child psychopathology, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, doi : 10.1080/15299732.2016.1172536.
Ensink, K., Berthelot, N., Biberdzic, M., & Normandin, L. (2016). The Mirror Paradigm: Assessing the Embodied Self in the Context of Abuse. Psychoanalytic Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/pap0000018
Ensink, K., Normandin, L., Plamondon, A., Berthelot, N., & Fonagy, P. (2016). Intergenerational pathways from reflective functioning to infant attachment through parenting. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 48(1), 9.
Tessier, V. P., Normandin, L., Ensink, K., & Fonagy, P. (2016). Fact or fiction? A longitudinal study of play and the development of reflective functioning. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 80(1), 60-79.
Berthelot, N., Ensink, K., Bernazzani, O., Normandin, L., Luyten, P., & Fonagy, P. (2015). Intergenerational transmission of attachment in abused and neglected mothers: The role of trauma‐specific reflective functioning. Infant Mental Health Journal, 36(2), 200-212.
Ensink, K. (2015). Editor of Special Edition : Advances in Understanding and Treating Adolescent Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 14(1): 120.
Ensink, K., Biberdzic, M., Normandin, L., & Clarkin, J. (2015). A Developmental Psychopathology and Neurobiological Model of Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescence. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 14(1), 46-69. doi : 10.1080/15289168.2015.1007715
Ensink, K., Fonagy, P., Berthelot, N., Normandin, L., & Bernazzani, O. (2015). Response: Behind the closed doors of mentalizing. A commentary on “Another step closer to measuring the ghosts in the nursery: preliminary validation of the Trauma Reflective Functioning Scale”. Frontiers in psychology, 6.
Ensink, K., Fonagy, P., Normandin, L., Berthelot, N., Biberdzic, M., & Duval, J. (2015). O papel protetor da mentalização de experiências traumáticas: implicações quando da entrada na parentalidade. [The protective role of mentalizing traumatic experiences: implications for parenting] Estilos da Clinica, 20(1), 76-91.
Ensink, K., Normandin, L., Target, M., Fonagy, P., Sabourin, S., & Berthelot, N. (2015). Mentalization in children and mothers in the context of trauma: An initial study of the validity of the Child Reflective Functioning Scale. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33(2), 203-217.
Normandin, L., Ensink, K., & Kernberg, O. F. (2015). Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for Borderline Adolescents: A Neurobiologically Informed Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 14(1), 98-110.
Ensink, K., Berthelot, N., Bernazzani, O., Normandin, L., & Fonagy, P. (2014). Another step closer to measuring the ghosts in the nursery: preliminary validation of the trauma reflective functioning scale. Frontiers in psychology, 5.
Normandin, L., Ensink, K., & Kernberg, O. (2014). TFP-A: una psicoterapia psicodinámica específica para adolescentes borderline a la luz de la neurobiología (Uno). Revista de Psicopatología y Salud Mental del Niño y del Adolescente.
Normandin, L., Ensink, K., Yeomans, F. E., & Kernberg, O. F. (2014). Transference-focused Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders in Adolescence. In C. Sharp & J. Tackett (Eds.), Handbook of Borderline Personality Disorder in Children and Adolescents (Chapter 25). New York: Springer Press.
Urfer, F.-M., Achim, J., Terradas, M. M., & Ensink, K. (2014). Capacité de mentalisation parentale et problématiques pédopsychiatriques : perspectives théorique et clinique. Devenir, 26(3), 227-251.
Berthelot, N., Ensink, K., & Normandin, L. (2013). Échecs de mentalisation. Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance. Carnet de notes sur les maltraitances infantiles, 1(131), 9-15.
Berthelot, N., Ensink, K., & Normandin, L. (2013). Mentalisation efficiente du trauma. Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance. Carnet de Notes sur les Maltraitances Infantiles, 3, 6-20.
Ensink, K., Maheux, J., Normandin, L., Sabourin, S., Diguer, L., Berthelot, N., & Parent, K. (2013). The impact of mentalization training on novice therapists’ reflective functioning: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Psychotherapy Research, 23(5), 526-238.
Ha, C., Sharp, C., Ensink, K., Fonagy, P., & Cirino, P. (2013). The measurement of reflective function in adolescents with and without borderline traits. Journal of Adolescence, 36, 1215-1223.
MBT-C Formations
Ensink, K., & Malberg, N. (July 2018). Three Day Training in Mentalisation-Based Treatment for Children. New York City University: New York, USA.
Ensink, K., & Malberg, N. (Mars 2018). Three Day Training in Mentalisation-Based Treatment for Children. Child Study Centre. Yale University. New Haven: USA.
Ensink, K., Midgley, N., Lindqvest, K., & Muller, N. (decembre 2017). Three Day Training in Mentalisation-Based Treatment for Children. Anna Freud Centre. Londres: Angleterre.
Conférences nationales et internationales
Preti, E., & Ensink, K., (septembre 2018). A developmental model of personality dysfunction and identity in adolescence. Symposium présenté au 5th International Congress on Borderline Personality Disorder and Allied Disorders. Stiges, Espagne.
Ensink, K., P.Duval, J., Normandin, L., & Fonagy, P. (septembre 2018). Mentalizing mediates the relation between childhood maltreatment and adolescent borderline and narcissistic personality traits. Symposium présenté au 5th International Congress on Borderline Personality Disorder and Allied Disorders. Stiges, Espagne.
Normandin, L., Ensink, K., Bégin, M, & Chabot, S. (septembre 2018). Non-suicidal self injury and its relationship with trauma, personality disorders and reflective functioning in a clinical sample of adolescents. Symposium présenté au 5th International Congress on Borderline Personality Disorder and Allied Disorders. Stiges, Espagne.
Ensink, K. (mai 2018). Benefits of early insight oriented approaches for infants, moms, and dads. Symposium présenté au 16e Congrès du World Association for Infant Mental Health. Rome, Italie.
Ensink K., Borelli, J., Normandin, L., Slade, A., & Fonagy, P. (mai 2018). Getting to know you : Preliminary evidence of the validity of the Mini Parental Reflective Functioning Interview (Mini-PDI). Conférence présentée au 16ième Congrès du World Association for Infant Mental Health. Rome, Italie.
Ensink, K., Midgley, N., Lindqvest, K., Malberg, N., & Muller, N. (juin 2017). Mentalization Based Therapy for Children: Challenges and Opportunities for Evaluation. Conférence présentée au 48e Congrès International de la Society for Psychotherapy Research. Toronto, Canada.
Normandin, L. & Ensink, K. (September 2017). Personality pathology and personality structure in adolescence: The role of maltreatment, identity and context/situation: Symposium accepté dans le cadre du International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders. Heidelberg, Allemagne.
Shmueli-Goetz, Y., Bosmans, G., Bijttebier, P., Van de Walli, M., De Raedt, R., Brumariu, L., Kerns, K., Ruxandra Gherasim, L., Palmer, A., Borelli, J., Vanwoerden, S., Sharp, C., Ensink, K., Normandin, L., Target, M., & Fonagy, P. (juillet 2017). Attachment in Middle Childhood and Adolescence: The Importance of Psychological Presence to the Development of Emotional Regulation. Communication présentée dans le cadre de la International Attachment Conference. Londres : Angleterre.
Ensink., K, Bégin, M., Normandin, L., Godbout, N., & Fonagy, P. (juillet 2017). Mentalization and dissociation in the context of trauma: Implications for child psychopathology. Communication présentée dans le cadre de la 17ième Conférence du European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Genève : Suisse.
Ensink, K., Bégin, M, Normandin, L., Godbout, N., & Fonagy, P. (juillet 2016). Mentalization and Dissociation in the Context of Trauma: Implications for Child Psychopathology. Communication présentée dans le cadre du International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, NH, USA
Ensink, K., Munoz Specht, P., & Normandin, L. (juin 2016). Mentalizing techniques used by child and adolescent psychotherapists. Communication présentée dans le cadre de la 47th International Conference of the Society of Psychotherapy Research, Jérusalem, Israël.
Biberdzic, M., Ensink, K., Normandin, L., & Clarkin, J. (avril 2016). Empirical typology of adolescent personality organization. Communication présentée lors du North American Society for the Study of Personality Disorders (NASSPD). New York, USA.
Bégin, M., Normandin, L., & Ensink, K. (avril 2016). Non-Suicidal Self Injury, Trauma and Mentalizing. Communication présentée lors du North American Society for the Study of Personality Disorders (NASSPD). New York, USA.
Ensink, K., Normandin, L., & Fonagy, P. (octobre 2015). Trauma, Mentalization and Personality Disorders. Communication présentée au XIVth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Personality Diosrders, Montreal, Canada.
Biberdzic, M., Ensink, K. & Normandin, L. (octobre 2015). Personality Organization Profiles in Adolescents. Communication présentée au au XIVth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Personality Diosrders, Montreal, Canada
Bégin, M., Normandin, L., & Ensink, K. (octobre 2015). Mentalization and other risk factors of non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents. Communication présentée au XIVth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Personality Diosrders, Montreal, Canada.
Ensink, K. Begin, M., & Normandin, L. (juin 2015). Maternal and child reflective functioning: Pathways to psychopathology in the context of trauma. Communication présentée dans le cadre de la 46th International Conference of the Society of Psychotherapy Research, Philadelphia, USA.
Maheux, J., Normandin, L., Ensink, K. (avril 2015). Therapists' Mental Activity Profiles during Therapeutic Listening of Victimized Adolescent Patients. Communication orale, 9th British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (BASPCAN) Congress, Edinburg, Scotland, UK.
Ensink, K., & Normandin, L. (mars 2015). Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissism in Adolescence. Communication présentée lors du North American Society for the Study of Personality Disorders (NASSPD). Boston, USA.
Normandin, L., Ensink, K. & Kernberg, O. (novembre 2014). BPD in the XXI Century : What has changed ? TFP technics for BPD Adolescents. Communication présentée lors de la 4ième Conférence du TLP-GRUP, Barcelona, Espagne.
Normandin, L., Ensink, K. & Kernberg, O. (octobre 2014). Adapting Transference Focused Psychotherapy to Adolescents with Borderline Personality Organization. Communication présentée lors de la 3ième Conférence du International Society for Transference Focused Psychotherapy. Parma, Italy.
Normandin, L., Ensink, K. (octobre 2014). Fantasy play resolution as a mediator of the relationship between early sexual abuse and self-other representation in 3-8 y.o. children. Communication présentée lors de la 3e Conférence du International Society for Transference Focused Psychotherapy. Parma, Italy.
Berthelot, N., Ensink, K., Bernazzani, O., Normandin, L., & Fonagy, P. (octobre 2014). Implications of Childhood Trauma for Parenting, Relationship With Partner and Mother—Child Attachment: Promoting Mentalization to Reduce the Intergenerational Impacts of Trauma. Affiche présentée dans le cadre de la 61e Conférence de l’American Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Association, San Diego, USA.
Ensink, K., & Normandin, L. (juin 2014). The child reflective function scale, a new measure for assessing children's mentalization in child psychotherapy research. Communication pésentée lors de la 45th International Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Normandin, L., & Ensink, K. (juin 2014). The impact of mentalization training on the reflective function of novice therapists: A randomized controlled trial. Communication présentée lors de la 45th International Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Ensink, K., Berthelot, N., Bernazzani, O., & Normandin, L. (juin, 2014). Reflective function regarding trauma and maternal hostility in mothers with childhood abuse and neglect : implications for infant attachment disorganization. . Conférence offerte dans le cadre de la 14e Rencontre de la World Infant Mental Health, Édimbourg, Écosse.
Ensink, K., & Normandin, L. (mai 2014). Developmental Psychopathology Model of BPD-A. Communication présentée lors de la Conférence intitulée : Advances in Understanding and treating adolescents with borderline personality disorders. New York : Personality Disorders Institute Weill Cornell Medical College Department of Psychiatry.
Normandin, L. & Ensink, K. (mai 2014). Adapting Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) for Adolescents with BPD. Communication présentée lors de la Conférence intitulée : Advances in Understanding and treating adolescents with borderline personality disorders. New York : Personality Disorders Institute Weill Cornell Medical College Department of Psychiatry.
Cyr, M., Hébert, M., Dion, J., Ensink, K., Tourigny, M., Normandin, L., Daigneault, I., & Berthelot, N., (mars 2014). Les agressions sexuelles envers les enfants : quels effets, pour qui et comment intervenir. Symposium présenté dans le cadre du 36e Congrès annuel de la Société Québécoise de Recherche en Psychologie. Montréal.
Ensink, K., Berthelot, N., Normandin, L., & Bernazzani, O. (mars 2014). Reflective Function and Unresolved Trauma in Mothers with Histories Abuse and Neglect: Implications for Infant Attachment. Conférence offerte dans le cadre du 36e Congrès annuel de la Société Québécoise de Recherche en Psychologie. Montréal.
Communications par affiche
Duval, J., Ensink, K., Normandin, L., & Kotiuga J., (novembre 2017). La mentalisation comme médiateur entre les expériences traumatiques vécue en enfance et le développement des traits de la personnalité limite et narcissique. Affiche présentée au Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur le problèmes conjugaux et les agressions sexuelles (CRIPCAS), Brossard, Canada.
Bégin, M., Ensink, K., Chabot, S., Beaudoin, L., & Normandin, L. (novembre 2017). Le rôle de différentes formes de maltraitance dans le développement de problèmes psychologiques chez les adolescents de la population générale : une approche centrée sur la personne. Affiche présentée au Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur le problèmes conjugaux et les agressions sexuelles (CRIPCAS), Brossard, Canada
Berthelot, N., Ensink, K., Bernazzani, O., Normandin, L., Luyten, P., & Fonagy, P. (octobre 2014) Intergenerational Transmission of Attachment in Abused and Neglected Mothers: The Role of Trauma-Specific Reflective Functioning. Communication par affiche présentée lors de la Conference of the American Academy Child Adolescent Psychiatry, San Francisco: California.
Begin, M., Ensink, K., Normandin, L., & Fonagy, P. (octobre 2014). Maternal and Child Reflective Functioning in the Context of Trauma: Pathways to Depression and Externalizing Difficulties. Communication par affiche présentée lors de la Rencontre Annuelle du CRIPCAS. Trois-Rivières, QC.
Ateliers cliniques
Normandin, L., Ensink, K., & Weiner, A. (octobre 2014). Transference Focused Psychotherapy for Adolescents with Borderline Personality Organization. Atelier de 7 heures offert dans le cadre de la 3ième Conférence du International Society for Transference Focused Psychotherapy. Parma, Italy.
Kernberg, O. F., Normandin, L., & Ensink, K. (mai 2014). Clinical case illustration and discussion of TFP-A. Atelier offert dans le cadre de la Conférence intitulée : Advances in Understanding and treating adolescents with borderline personality disorders. New York : Personality Disorders Institute Weill Cornell Medical College Department of Psychiatry.