Répertoire du personnel administratif et enseignant


Toula Kourgiantakis

École de travail social et de criminologie

Directrice de programmes de 3e cycle en travail social, Professeure agrégée


Pavillon Charles-De Koninck Local DKN-6489


Doctorat en travail social (Université Laval)

Maîtrise en service social (Université Laval)

Honours Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (York University)

Approved Supervisor Certificate (American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy)

Postgraduate Certificate in Couple and Family Therapy – AAMFT/COAMFTE accredited – Montreal Jewish General Hospital


Hiver 2025

  • SVS-2000 : Processus d’intervention : service social personnel et familial I
  • SVS-6001 : Dépendances et toxicomanies : enjeux théoriques et pratiques

Projets de recherche

Toula Kourgiantakis (PI), Audrey-Anne Dumais Michaud, Mélissa Côté, Eunjung Lee, Shelley Craig, Deborah Cooper, David Cooper, Marie-Josée Fleury, Nathalie Maltais, Jonathan Singer & Juveria Zaheer. (2024-2027, $116,661). Youth Suicide Risk Assessment in Québec and Ontario Emergency Departments: Service Providers' Experiences and Perspectives. Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada/CRSH, Insight Grant/Subventions Savoir.

Toula Kourgiantakis (PI) & Annie-Claude Savard. (2024-25, $7,914). Examiner le cursus des programmes de travail social accrédités en matière d’enseignement de cours en dépendance au Canada. Subvention d’appui aux membres du corps professoral. Fonds de recherche et d’enseignement de l’École de travail social et de criminologie – Micheline Massé (FRE).

Toula Kourgiantakis (PI), Angie Hamilton. (2023-24, $3,000). Youth-Centred Harm Reduction Approaches: Recommendations on Policies, Services, and Education. Programme de diffusion et de promotion des résultats de la recherche des PUL, Presses de l’Université Laval (PUL).

Toula Kourgiantakis (PI), Eunjung Lee, Shelley Craig, Marjorie Johnston, Jonathan Singer, Deborah Cooper & David Cooper. (2022 - 2024, $74,795). A Critical Exploration of Youth Suicide and Systems of Care: Understanding Perspectives of Parents and Caregivers. Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada, Insight Development Grant.

Toula Kourgiantakis (PI), Angie Hamilton, Eunjung Lee, Rachelle Ashcroft, Shelley Craig, Abby Goldstein, Charmaine C. Williams, Uppala Chandrasekera, Joanna Henderson, Deepy Sur & Erin Park (2021-2023, $24,594). Examining Cannabis Use and Mental Health Concerns in Youth from the Perspectives of Youth, Parents, and Service Providers: A Community-Based Participatory Research Approach. Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada, Partnership Engage Grant.

Eunjung Lee (PI), Charmaine Williams, Marion Bogo, Marjorie Johnstone, Mark Fox, Toula Kourgiantakis (Co-I) (2020-2024, $229,002). Fostering Socially Just and Culturally Competent Practice (SJCCP) in Social Work Education: Simulation-Based Learning (SBL) Using Digital Technologies to Create Innovative E-Learning Space, Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada, Insight Grant.

Toula Kourgiantakis (PI), Eunjung Lee, Shelley Craig, Karen Sewell & Deepy Sur. (2022-2023, $10,000). Understanding Clinical Social Work Practice in Ontario: Toward a Stronger Social Justice Orientation in the Profession Understanding Clinical Social Work Practice in Ontario. Pre-Tenure Research Award, University of Toronto.




Kourgiantakis, T., Hamilton, A., Tait, C., Tekirdag Kosar, K., Lau, C., McNeil, S., Lee, E., Craig, S. & Goldstein, A. (2024). Reducing the harms of cannabis use in youth post-legalization: Insights from Ontario youth, parents & service providers. 21(193), 1-21. Harm Reduction Journalhttps://doi.org/10.1186/s12954-024-01112-9

Kourgiantakis, T., Vicknarajah, R., Logan, J., Edwards, T., Lee, E., Craig, S., Kaura, A., Williams, C.C. & Marshall, S. (2024). Understanding youth and young adult cannabis use in Canada post-legalization: A scoping review on a public health issue. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 19(30), 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13011-024-00615-9

Kourgiantakis, T., Craig, S.L., Kirkland, A., Muskat B., & Sur. D. (2024). Hospital social workers and mental health: Essential roles during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Work in Mental Health. 22(3), 393-411.  https://doi.org/10.1080/15332985.2024.2314474

Kourgiantakis, T., Lee, E., Hu, R., Johnstone, M., Leung, V. & Williams, C.C. (2024). MSW student perspectives on facilitators and barriers in learning about social justice and social work practice. Studies in Clinical Social Work: Transforming Practice, Education and Research. 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/28376811.2024.2355941

Doll, K., Craig, S., Yoonhee, L., Kourgiantakis, T., Lee, E., Dicesare, D., Pearson, D & Vo, T. (2024). Protocol for a scoping review on technology use and sexual and gender minority youth and mental health. PloS One. 19(1): e0291539. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0291539

Lee, E., Kourgiantakis, T. & Hu, R. (2024). Pedagogical approaches for social justice and diversity in Canadian social work education. Social Work Education: The International Journalhttps://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2024.2306968


Kourgiantakis, T., Lee, E., Tekirdag Kosar, K., Tait, C., Lau, C., McNeil, S., Craig, S., Ashcroft, R., Williams, C.C., Goldstein, A., Chandrasekera, U., Sur, D. & Henderson, J. (2023). Youth cannabis use in Canada: Service providers’ perceptions, practices, and recommendations.  Substance Abuse, Treatment, Prevention and Policy. 18(36), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13011-023-00550-1 

Kourgiantakis, T., Markoulakis, R., Lee, E., Hussain, A., Lau, C., Ashcroft, R., Goldstein, A., Kodeeswaran, S., Williams, C.C., & Levitt, A. (2023). Access to mental health and addiction services for youth and their families in Ontario: Perspectives of parents, youth, and service providers. International Journal of Mental Health Systems. 17(4), 1-15. http://doi.org10.1186/s13033-023-00572-z

Kourgiantakis, T., Sewell, K., Ashcroft, R. & Lee, E. (2023). Canadian social work education in mental health and addictions: Understanding perspectives of faculty members. Social Work Education: The International Journal. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2021.1985104

Kourgiantakis, T., Ashcroft, R., Benedict, A., Lee, E., Craig, S., Sewell, K., Johnston, M., McLuckie, A., *Mohamud, F. & Sur, D. (2023). Clinical social work practice in Canada: A critical examination of regulation. Research on Social Work Practice. 33(1), 15-28. https://doi.org/10.1177/10497315221109486

Lee, E. & Kourgiantakis, T. (2023). Teaching students to identify and address significant critical moments in cross-cultural social work practice. Social Work Education: The International Journal.  Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2023.2260421

Lee, E. & Kourgiantakis, T. (2023). Applying behavioural activation and simulation-based learning approaches to enhance MSW students’ competence in suicide risk assessment, prevention, and intervention (SRAPI). Social Work Education: The International Journal, 42(4), https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2021.1976136

Lee, E. Kourgiantakis, T., Hu, R., Wilson, R., Logan, J. & Greenblatt, A. (2023). Centering social justice in undergraduate social work education: A scoping review of pedagogical methods of teaching. Social Work Education: The International Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2023.2225535  

Lee, E., Johnstone, M., Kourgiantakis, T., Hu, R., & Leung, V. (2023). Praxis of cross-cultural social work practice (CCSWP): A critical discourse analysis of graduate student and faculty perspectives on cultural competence and relevant constructs. Qualitative Social Work. Advance Online Publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/14733250231153047

Ashcroft, R., Donnelly, C., Gill, S., Lam, S., Kourgiantakis, T., Dancey, M., Adamson, K., Sur, D., Mehta, K., Sheffield, P., Verrilli, D., Dolovich, L., Kirvan, A., & Brown, J.B. (2023). Qualitative examination of collaboration in team-based primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ Open, 13(2), 1-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-067208 

Ashcroft, R., Hussain, A., Lam, S., Kourgiantakis, T., Begun, S., Craig, S., Cadell, S., Nelson, M., Adamson, K., Sirotich, F., Greenblatt, A., Walsh, B., Abudiab, S., & Sur, D. (2023). Policy issues arising during COVID-19: A scoping review to guide policy practice. Research on Social Work Practice. https://doi.org/10.1177/10497315231185754

Ashcroft, R., Mathers, A., Gin, A., Lam, S., Donnelly, C., Brown Belle, J., Kourgiantakis, T., Mehta, K., Rayner, J., Sur, D., Adamson, K., Kirvan, A. & Dolovich, L.  (2023). Pharmacists’ role and experiences with delivering mental health care within team-based primary care settings during the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijpp/riad086

Ashcroft, R., Mathers, A., Gin, A., Lam, S., Donnelly, C., Brown, J.B., Kourgiantakis, T., Adamson, K., Mehta, K., Rayner, J., Sur, D., Kirvan, A., Sheffield, P., & Dolovich, L. (2023). The benefits and challenges of precepting pharmacy students in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 87(7), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajpe.2023.100098.


Kourgiantakis, T., Markoulakis, R., Hussain, A., Lee, E., Ashcroft, R., Williams, C.C., Lau, C., Goldstein, A., Kodeeswaran, S. & Levitt, A. (2022). Navigating inequities in the delivery of youth mental health care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives of youth, families, and service providers. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 113(6), 806-816. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-022-00670-4

Kourgiantakis, T., Edwards, T., Lee, E., Logan, J., Vicknarajah, R., Craig, S., Simon-Tucker, M. & Williams, C.C. (2022). Cannabis use among youth in Canada: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. 12:e061997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-061997

Kourgiantakis, T. & Lee, E. (2022). Developing mental health and addiction competencies in social work students using simulation-based learning. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 41(6), 1351-1366. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2021.1955850

Kourgiantakis, T., McNeil, S., Hussain, A., Logan, J., Ashcroft, R., Lee, E. & Williams, C.C. (2022). Social work’s approach to recovery in mental health and addiction policies: A scoping review. Social Work in Mental Health, 20(4), 377-399. https://doi.org/10.1080/15332985.2021.2019169

Kourgiantakis, T., Sewell, K., McNeil, S., Lee, E., Logan, J., Kuehl, D., McCormick, M. Adamson, K. & Kirvan, A. (2022). Social work education and training in mental health, addictions, and suicide: A scoping review. Journal of Social Work Education, 58(1), 123-148.  https://doi.org/10.1080/10437797.2020.1773363

Kourgiantakis, T. Sewell, K., Sanders, J., Craig, S. & Bogo, M. (2022). Preparing Advanced Standing students for clinical social work practice: A teaching note. Journal of Social Work Education, 58(4), 780-786. https://doi.org/10.1080/10437797.2021.1963897

Craig, S., Iacono, G., McInroy, L., Kirkland, A., Pascoe, R. & Kourgiantakis, T. (2022). Demonstrating LGBTQ+ affirmative practice in groups:  Developing competence through simulation-based learning. Clinical Social Work Journal. 50, 297-307. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10615-022-00850-

Craig, S.L., Kourgiantakis, T., Kirkland, A., Muskat B., & Sur. D. (2022). Riding the wave: Pandemic social work in hospitals. Social Work in Health Care, 61(5), 323-337. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2021.1892054 

Lee, E., Kourgiantakis, T. & Hu, R. (2022). Developing holistic competence in cross-cultural social work practice: Simulation-based learning optimized by blended teaching approach, Social Work Education: The International Journal. 41(5), 820-836. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2021.1892055

Lee, E., Kourgiantakis, T., Hu, R., Greenblatt, A. & Logan, J. (2022). Pedagogical methods of teaching social justice in social work: A scoping review. Research on Social Work Practice. Advance Online Publication.  https://doi.org/10.1177/10497315221085666.

Lee, E., Greenblatt, A., Hu, R., Johnstone, M. & Kourgiantakis, T. (2022). Developing a model of broaching and bridging in cross-cultural psychotherapy: Toward fostering epistemic and social justice. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 92(3), 322-333. https://doi.org/10.1037/ort0000611

Lee, E., Greenblatt, A., Hu, R., Johnston, M. & Kourgiantakis, T. (2022). Micro-skills of broaching and bridging in cross-cultural psychotherapy: Locating therapy skills in the epistemic domain toward fostering epistemic justice. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 92(3), 310-321. https://doi.org/10.1037/ort0000610

Asakura, K., Sewell, S. Rawlings, M., Bay, U. & Kourgiantakis, T. (2022). Marion Bogo, a visionary, innovator, and leader: Reflecting on her groundbreaking work on simulation-based Social Work Education, Journal of Social Work Education. Advance Online Publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10437797.2022.2069626

Asakura, K., Lee, B., Occhiuto, K., & Kourgiantakis, T. (2022). Observational learning in simulation-based social work education: Comparison of interviewers and observers. Social Work Education, 41(3), 300-316. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2020.1831467

Bogo, M., Sewell, K., Mohamud, F. & Kourgiantakis, T. (2022). Social work field instruction: a scoping review. Social Work Education: The International Journal. 41(4), 391-424. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2020.1842868 


Kourgiantakis, T., Ashcroft, R., Mohamud, F., Fearing, G. & Sanders, J. (2021). Family-focused practices in addictions: A scoping review. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 21(1), 18-53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1533256X.2020.1870287.

Kourgiantakis, T.*Sewell, K., Lee, E. & Kirvan, A. (2021). MSW students’ perspectives on learning in a social work practice in mental health course: A qualitative research study. Social Work in Mental Health., 19(2), 141-165. https://doi.org/10.1080/15332985.2021.1894628

Kourgiantakis, T., Hu, R., Ramsundarsingh, S., Lung, Y. & West, K. (2021). Virtual Practice Fridays: Responding to disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in field and classroom. Journal of Social Work Education, 57(1), 111-119. https://doi.org/10.1080/10437797.2021.1932651

Ashcroft, R., Lam, S., Kourgiantakis, T., Begun, S., Nelson, M., Adamson, K., Cadell, S., Walsh, B., Greenblatt, A., Hussain, A., Sur, D., Sirotich, F., & Craig, S. (2021). Preparing social workers to address health inequities emerging during the COVID-19 pandemic by building capacity for health policy: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. 11:e053959. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053959

Ashcroft, R., Donnelly, C., Dancey, M., Gill, S., Lam, S., Kourgiantakis, T., Adamson, K., Verrilli, D., Dolovich, L., *Kirvan, A., Mehta, K., Sur, D., & Brown, J.B. (2021). Primary care teams’ experiences of delivering mental health care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. BMC Family Practice, 22(143), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-021-01496-8

Craig, S., Gardiner, T., Eaton, A., Pang, A. & Kourgiantakis, T. (2021). Practicing Alliance: An experiential model of teaching diversity and inclusion in social work. Social Work Education: The International Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2021.1892054

Lee, E. Kourgiantakis, T., Lyons, O. & Prescott-Cornejo, A. (2021). A trauma-informed approach in Canadian mental health policies: A systematic mapping review. Health Policy. 125(7), 899-914. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthpol.2021.04.008

Lee, E., Kourgiantakis, T. & Hu, R. (2021). Teaching Note – Teaching socially just and culturally competent practice online: Pedagogical challenges and lessons learned during the pandemic. Journal of Social Work Education, 57(1), 58-65. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2021.1892055

Lee, E., Bowles, K. & Kourgiantakis, T. (2021). Coaching MSW students on interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) using simulation-based learning (SBL): Developing competencies in clinical social work practice, Smith College Studies in Social Work, 91(2), 142-163.  https://doi.org/10.1080/00377317.2021.1905135

Sewell, K., Sanders, J., Kourgiantakis, T., Katz. E. & Bogo, M. (2021). Cognitive and affective processes:  MSW students’ awareness and coping through simulated interviews. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 40, 641-655. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2020.1727875


Kourgiantakis, T., Hussain, A., Ashcroft, R., Logan, J. McNeil, S. & Williams, C.C. (2020). Recovery-oriented social work practice in mental health and addictions: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. 10(8), 1-4. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037777

Kourgiantakis, T., Sewell, K., Hu, R., Logan, J. & Bogo, M. (2020). Simulation in social work education: A scoping review. Research on Social Work Practice. 30(4), 433-450. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049731519885015

Kourgiantakis, T., Sanders, J., Sewell, K., Asakura, K. & Bogo, M. (2020). Students’ conceptualization of culture and diversity with a simulated client. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work. https://doi.org/10.1080/15313204.2020.1839618    

Kourgiantakis, T. & Lee, E. (2020). Social work practice training and education during the pandemic: Disruptions and discoveries. International Social Work. 63(6), 761-765. https://doi.org/10.1177/0020872820959706

Kourgiantakis, T., Sewell, K.M., Lee, E., Adamson, K., McCormick, M., Kuehl, D. & Bogo, M. (2020). Teaching Note – Enhancing social work education in mental health, addictions, and suicide risk assessment. Journal of Social Work Education. 56(3), 587-594. https://doi.org/10.1080/10437797.2019.1656590      

Craig, S. L., McInroy, L. B., Goulden, A., Eaton, A. D., Kourgiantakis, T., Bogo, M., Adamson, K., Iacono, G., Gagliardi, L., Krasovec, T., & Small, M. (2020). The health social work competency rating scale: Development of a tool for education and practice. Social Work Education: The International Journal. 40(7), 928-941. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2020.1768233

Lee, E., Kourgiantakis, T. & Bogo, M. (2020).  Translating knowledge into practice: Using simulation to enhance mental health competence through social work education. Social Work Education: The International Journal. 39(3), 329-349, https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2019.1620723

Bogo, M., Kourgiantakis, T., Burnes, D., King, B. & Lee. E. (2020). Advancing clinical social work practice through articulating practice competencies: The Toronto Simulation Model. Clinical Social Work Journal.

2013 – 2019

Kourgiantakis, T., Sewell, K.M., McNeil, S., Logan, J., Lee, E., Adamson, K., McCormick, M. & Kuehl, D. (2019).  Mental health, addictions, and suicide risk assessment in social work education and training: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. 9(6), 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024659

Kourgiantakis, T., Bogo, M. & Sewell, K. (2019). Practice Fridays:  Using simulation to develop holistic competence.  Journal of Social Work Education. 55(3), 551-564, https://doi.org/10.1080/10437797.2018.1548989

Kourgiantakis, T., Saint-Jacques, M.C. & Tremblay, J. (2018). Facilitators and barriers to family involvement in problem gambling treatment.  International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 16, 291-312. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-017-9742-2

Kourgiantakis, T. & Ashcroft, R. (2018). Family-focused practices in addictions:  A scoping review protocol.  BMJ Open, 8, e019433, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019433

Kourgiantakis, T., Sewell, K. & Bogo, M. (2018).  The importance of feedback in preparing social work students for field education. Clinical Social Work Journal, 47(1), 124-133. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10615-018-0671-8.

Ashcroft, R., Kourgiantakis, T., Fearing, G., Robertson, T., & Brown, J.B. (2018). Social work's scope of practice in primary mental health care: A scoping review. British Journal of Social Work. 49, 318-334, https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcy051.

Saint-Jacques, M.C., Godbout, E., Drapeau, S., Kourgiantakis, T. & Parent, C. (2018). Researching children's adjustment in stepfamilies: How is it studied? What do we learn?  Child Indicators, 11(6), 1831-1865, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12187-017-9510-7

Ashcroft, R., Kourgiantakis, T. & Brown, J. (2017). Social work’s scope of practice in the provision of primary mental health care:  Protocol for a scoping review.  BMJ Open, 7, e019384.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019384

Kourgiantakis, T., Saint-Jacques, M.C. & Tremblay, T. (2013).  Problem gambling and families: A systematic review.  Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 13(4), 353-372. https://doi.org/10.1080/1533256X.2013.838130




Kourgiantakis, T., Hamilton, A., Tekirdag Kosar, K., Lee, E., Craig, S., Lau, C., Tait, C. & McNeil, S. (2024, November 14-16). Cannabis Use Among Youth in Ontario: Recommendations from Youth, Parents, and Service Providers. Poster presented at the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine (CSAM-SMCA) 2024 Scientific Conference. Hamilton, Ontario.

Kourgiantakis, T., Lee, E., Craig, S. & Cooper, D. & Cooper, D. (2024, August 28-30). Youth Suicide and Canadian Systems of Care: Parents' Call to Action. European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour (ESSSB20). Rome, Italy.

Kourgiantakis, T., Cooper, D. & Cooper, D. (2024, May 29-31). Parent and Caregiver Perspectives on Youth Suicide and Systems of Care. Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP), National Suicide Prevention Conference, Inspiring Hope Together. Vancouver, British Columbia.

Craig, S., Lee, E. & Kourgiantakis, T. (2024, April 4-7). Cannabis use in Canadian youth post-legalization: Perspectives of youth, parents, and service providers. Oral presentation at the Joint Conference of Social Work, Education, and Social Development (SWSD). Panama.

Lee, E., Craig, S. & Kourgiantakis, T. (2024, April 4-7). A critical exploration of youth suicide and systems of Care: Parent and Caregiver Perspectives. Oral presentation at the Joint Conference of Social Work, Education, and Social Development (SWSD). Panama.


Kourgiantakis, T., Barbeau, B., Hamilton, A., Lau, C., Tait, C., Tekirdag Kosar, K., Lee, E. & Craig, S. (2023, November 20-22). Reducing the harms of cannabis use in youth post-legalization: Perspectives of parents, youth, and service providers. Oral presentation at the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addictions – Issues of Substance Conference 2023. Vancouver, British Columbia.

Kourgiantakis, T., Vicknarajah, R., Logan, J., Kaura, A., Edwards, T., Lee, E., Craig, S., Williams, C. & Marshall, S. (2023, November 20-22). Understanding youth cannabis use in Canada post-legalization: A scoping review on a public health issue. Poster presented at Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addictions – Issues of Substance Conference 2023. Vancouver, British Columbia. *Selected best research poster.

Kourgiantakis, T., Lee, E., Hamilton, A., Craig, S., Tait, C., Tekirdag Kosar, K. & Lau, C. (2023, October 26-29). Reducing the harms of cannabis use in youth post-legalization: Perspectives of parents, youth, and service providers in Canada. Council on Social Work Education APM Conference. Atlanta, Georgia.

Lee, E., Kourgiantakis, T., Craig, S., Lau, C., Tekirdag Kosar, K. & Tait, C. (2023, October 26-29). Youth cannabis use in Canada post-legalization: Service providers’ perceptions, practices, and recommendations. Council on Social Work Education APM Conference. Atlanta, Georgia.

Kourgiantakis, T., Hamilton, A., Tait, C., Tekirdag Kosar, K., *Lau, C., Lee, E. & Craig, S. (2023, October 19 – 22). Cannabis use in Canadian youth post-legalization: Perspectives of youth, parents, and service providers. Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine (CSAM-SMCA) Scientific Conference. Victoria, British Columbia.

Kourgiantakis, T., Lee, E. & Lau, C. (2023, August 31 – September 2). Post-legalization of recreational cannabis use: Perspectives of Canadian youth, parents, and service providers. Qualitative Research in Mental Health (QRMH9). Budapest, Hungary.

Kourgiantakis, T., Lee, E., Lau, C. & Jones, J. (2023, August 31 – September 2). An interpretative phenomenological analysis of parents’ perspectives on youth suicide. Qualitative Research in Mental Health (QRMH9). Budapest, Hungary.

Forbes, J., Williams, C.C., Kourgiantakis, T., Kirkland, A., Hussain, Rines, J. & Mooney, E. (2023, January 11 – 15). Empowerment for caregiving families impacted by mental illness: Recommendations from caregivers and people diagnosed with mental illness. Society for Social Work and Research 27th Annual Conference. Social Work Science and Complex Problems: Battling Inequities + Building Solutions. Phoenix, Arizona.

Lee, E., Johnstone, M., Kourgiantakis, T., Hu, R. & Leung, V. (2023, January 11 – 15). A critical discourse analysis of MSW student and faculty perspectives on cultural competence and relevant constructs: Understanding praxis of cross-cultural social work practice. Society for Social Work and Research 27th Annual Conference. Social Work Science and Complex Problems: Battling Inequities + Building Solutions. Phoenix, Arizona.

2020 - 2022

Kourgiantakis, T., Markoulakis, R, M., Lee, E., Ashcroft, R., Williams, C., Hussain, A., Lau, C., Goldstein, A., Kodeeswaran, S. & Levitt. A. (2022, June 17-18). Navigating Inequities in Youth Addiction and Mental Health Services During the Pandemic: A University-Community Collaboration. Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference. Collaborating to Create New Pathways Towards Recovery, Empowerment, and Social Inclusion, Québec City, Québec.

Ashcroft, R., Lam, S., Mathers, A., Brown, J., Donnelly, C., Gill, S. Gin, A., Kourgiantakis, T., Kirvan, A., Verrilli, D., Sur, D., Mehta, K., Adamson, K., & Dolovich, L (2022, May 18). “Pharmacists and mental health care in Ontario’s Family Health Teams during the COVID-19 pandemic [Conference presentation]. OPEN Summit, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Gill, S., Ashcroft, R., Donnelly, C., Lam, S., Mehta, K., Kourgiantakis, T., Adamson, K., Verrilli, D., Dolovich, L., Kirvan, A., Sur, D., Dancey, M., & Brown, J.B. (2021, October 4-7). Collaboration in interprofessional primary care teams during the COVID-19 pandemic [Conference presentation]. North American Conference on Integrated Care, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Kourgiantakis, T., Lee, E., Kirvan, A. & Sewell, K. (2021, January).  Enhancing student competence in the assessment of mental health, addiction, and suicide risk: An integrated, multi-modal approach using online educational modules and simulation-based learning. Presented at SSWR 25th Annual Conference, Social Work Science for Social Change, Virtual Conference.

Kirvan, A., Kourgiantakis, T. & Lee, E. (2021, January).  Teaching students about clinical practice offered virtually: Re-visiting social work competence in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Workshop presented at SSWR 25th Annual Conference, Social Work Science for Social Change, Virtual Conference.

Sanders. J., Kourgiantakis, T., Kirvan, A. & Pascoe, R. (2021, January). Preparing Advanced Standing students for practice: A simulation-based learning practice seminar. Roundtable presented at SSWR 25th Annual Conference, Social Work Science for Social Change, Virtual Conference.

Hussain, A., Kourgiantakis, T., *Kirvan, A. & Williams, C. (2021, January). Recovery-oriented social work practice in mental health and addictions. Roundtable presented at SSWR 25th Annual Conference, Social Work Science for Social Change, Virtual Conference.

Kourgiantakis, T., Hu, R., Sewell, K. & Bogo, M. (2020, January).  Simulation in social work education: A scoping review. Poster presented at SSWR 24th Annual Conference, Reducing Racial and Economic Inequality. Washington, DC.

Bogo, M., Burnes, D., King, B. Kourgiantakis, T., & Lee, E. (2020, January). Using simulation-based learning to teach social work practice. Roundtable presented at SSWR 24th Annual Conference, Reducing Racial and Economic Inequality. Washington, DC.

2016 – 2019

Bogo, M., Kourgiantakis, T. & Sewell, K. (2019, October). Best practices in using simulation-based learning for teaching and assessment. Workshop presented at CSWE 65th Annual Program Meeting, Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Denver, CO.

Hu, R., Kourgiantakis, T., Sewell, K., Bogo, M. & Logan, J. (2019, October). Simulation-based learning in social work education:  A scoping review. Poster presented at CSWE 65th Annual Program Meeting, Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Denver, CO.

McNeil, S., Kourgiantakis, T., Sewell, K., Logan, J., Lee, E. & Adamson, K. (2019, October). Social Work Education in Mental Health, Addictions, and Suicide:  A Scoping Review.  Poster presented at CSWE 65th Annual Program Meeting, Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Denver, CO.

Kourgiantakis, T., Sewell, K. & Bogo, M. (2019, October). The importance of feedback in preparing students for clinical practice.  Oral presentation at CSWE 65th Annual Program Meeting, Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Denver, CO.

Kourgiantakis, T., Okumu, M. & Fearing, G. (2019, October). Teaching students to use familuy-centered practices in addictions and mental health. Workshop presented at CSWE 65TH Annual Program Meeting, Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Denver, CO.

Kourgiantakis, T. (2019, October). Experiencing Practice Fridays: simulating an educational enhancement that prepares students for field.  Workshop presented at CSWE 65th Annual Program Meeting, Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Denver, CO.

Kourgiantakis, T., Kirvan, A., Sewell, K., Lee, E., Adamson, K., McCormick, M. & Kuehl, D. (2019, October). Assessment of mental health, addictions, and suicide using simulation:  Partnership with a community mental health agency.  Workshop presented at CSWE 65th Annual Program Meeting, Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Denver, CO.

Sanders, J., Kourgiantakis, T., Ashcroft, R. & Fearing, G. (2019, October). Family-focused practices in the addictions:  A scoping review. Poster presented at CSWE 65th Annual Program Meeting, Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Denver, CO.

Kourgiantakis, T. (2019, January).  Developing social work practice competence using simulation.  Symposium presented at SSWR 23rd Annual Conference, Ending Gender Based, Family, and Community Violence. San Francisco, CA.

Kourgiantakis, T., Hu, R., Sewell, K., Bogo, M. & Logan, J. (2019, January). Using simulation in teaching and assessment in social work: A scoping review. Symposium presented at SSWR 23rd Annual Conference, Ending Gender Based, Family, and Community Violence. San Francisco, CA.

Kourgiantakis, T., Sewell, K., Sanders, J. & Bogo, M. (2019, January). Developing research on using simulation for teaching and assessing holistic competence. Roundtable presented at SSWR 23rd Annual Conference, Ending Gender Based, Family, and Community Violence. San Francisco, CA.

Ashcroft, R. & Kourgiantakis, T. (2019, January).  Social work's role in primary health care: maximizing capacity for optimal mental health care.  Roundtable presented at SSWR 23rd Annual Conference, Ending Gender Based, Family, and Community Violence. San Francisco, CA.

Sanders, J., Kourgiantakis, T., Asakura, K., Sewell, K. & Bogo, M. (2019, January). Students’ conceptualization of cultural factors in a helping relationship.  Symposium presented at SSWR 23rd Annual Conference, Ending Gender Based, Family, and Community Violence. San Francisco, CA.

Sewell, K., Kourgiantakis, T. & Bogo, M. (2019, January).  The importance of feedback in preparing social work students for field education.  Paper presented at SSWR 23rd Annual Conference, Ending Gender Based, Family, and Community Violence. San Francisco, CA.

Sewell, K., Kourgiantakis, T., Sanders, J., Bogo, M. & Katz, E. (2019, January). MSW students’ awareness of cognitive and affective processes in simulated interviews. Symposium presented at SSWR 23rd Annual Conference, Ending Gender Based, Family, and Community Violence. San Francisco, CA.

Asakura, K., Bogo, M., Lee, B., Tufford, L., Kourgiantakis, T. & Todd, S. (2018, November). Advancing simulation-based research in teaching, assessment, and practice: A social work agenda. Panel presentation at CSWE 64th Annual Program Meeting, Expanding Interprofessional Education to Achieve Social Justice. Orlando, FLA.

Fearing, G., McNeil, S., Kourgiantakis, T. & Sewell, K. (2018, November). Learning to co-facilitate a psychoeducational group for families using simulation. Workshop presented at CSWE 64th Annual Program Meeting, Expanding Interprofessional Education to Achieve Social Justice. Orlando, FLA.

Sanders, J., Kourgiantakis, T., Asakura, K., Sewell, K. & Bogo, M. (2018, November). Students' conceptualization of cultural factors in a helping relationship: A simulation study. Paper presented at CSWE 64th Annual Program Meeting, Expanding Interprofessional Education to Achieve Social Justice. Orlando, FLA.

Sewell, K., Bogo, M., Kourgiantakis, T. & Katz, E. (2018, November). MSW students’ awareness of cognitive and affective processes in simulated interviews. Paper presented at CSWE 64th Annual Program Meeting, Expanding Interprofessional Education to Achieve Social Justice. Orlando, FLA.

Kourgiantakis, T., Bogo, M. Sewell, K. & Sanders, J. (2018, April). Using simulation in teaching and assessment: An integrative learning method to bridge classroom and field.  Paper presented at University of Toronto Teaching and Learning Symposium. Experience:  Integrative Learning.  Toronto, ON.

Kourgiantakis, T. Bogo, M., Sewell, K. & Sanders, J. (2018, January).  Teaching and assessing holistic competence using simulation-based learning. Workshop presented at SSWR 22nd Annual Conference. Achieving Equal Opportunity, Equity and Justice. Washington, DC.

Kourgiantakis, T. Bogo, M., Sewell, K. & Sanders, J. (2018, January).  Practice Fridays: Developing holistic competence through simulation. Paper presented at SSWR 22nd Annual Conference.  Achieving Equal Opportunity, Equity & Justice, Washington, DC.

Bogo, M., Kourgiantakis, T., Sewell, K. & Sanders, J. (2018, January). Methods for teaching and assessing holistic competence.  Roundtable presented at SSWR 22nd Annual Conference. Achieving Equal Opportunity, Equity and Justice, Washington, DC.

Kourgiantakis, T. Bogo, M. & Sewell, K. (2017, December). Practice Fridays:  Using simulation to develop holistic competence. Paper presented at Sim-One 2017 Sim Expo. Canadian Network for Simulation in Healthcare. Toronto, ON.

Kourgiantakis, T., Bogo, M. & Sewell, K. (2017, October). Teaching holistic competence in social work using simulation-based learning.  Workshop presented at CSWE 63rd Annual Program Meeting, Educating for the Social Work Grand Challenges. Dallas, TX.

Kourgiantakis, T., Sewell, K., Bogo, M. & Sanders, J. (2017, October). Practice Fridays:  The development of holistic competence through simulation. Paper presented at CSWE 63rd Annual Program Meeting, Educating for the Social Work Grand Challenges, Dallas, TX.

Berger, C., Holbrook, A.M. & Kourgiantakis, T. (2017, October). The development and implementation of standardized simulations for macro-level practice.  Paper presented at CSWE 62nd Annual Program Meeting, Educating for the Social Work Grand Challenges. Dallas, TX.

Kourgiantakis, T., Bogo, M. & Sewell, K. (2017, May). Teaching holistic competence using simulation-based learning.  Paper presented at University of Toronto Teaching and Learning Symposium, Intersections: Where Instructional Design Meets Learning Science. Toronto, ON.

Kourgiantakis, T., Bogo, M. & Sewell, K. (2016, November). Practice Fridays: Using deliberate practice and feedback to develop holistic competence. Paper presented at CSWE 62nd Annual Program Meeting, Collaborative Practice through Social Work Education, Atlanta, GA.

2010 – 2015

Kourgiantakis, T. & Pont, L. (2015, November). Problem video gaming and complex mental health in adolescents. Workshop presented at CMHO Conference – Better Together: Collaborating for a Stronger Child & Youth Mental Health System. Toronto, ON.    

Kourgiantakis, T., Saint-Jacques, M.-C. & Tremblay, J. (2014, February). What does the research tell us about problem gambling and families?  Paper presented at 5th International Gambling Conference:  Gambling in a Mobile Era:  Developments, Regulations and Responses. Auckland, New Zealand.

Kourgiantakis, T. (2014, November). Restoring hope in couples affected by an addiction. Workshop presented at Ontario Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Annual Conference. Richmond Hill, ON.

Kourgiantakis, T., Saint-Jacques, M.C. & Tremblay, J. (2013, February). Involving families in problem gambling treatment. Poster presented at the IFTA 21st Annual Family Therapy Congress, Orlando, FLA.

Saint-Jacques, M.-C., Drapeau, S., Parent, C. Rousseau, M.-E., Godbout, E., Fortin, M.-C., Kourgiantakis, T. (2012, June). What have we learned during the past ten years concerning the adjustment of stepchildren? Paper presented at 49th Annual Conference of the Association of Family Conciliation Courts: Attachment, brain science and children of divorce: The ABCDs of child development for family law. Chicago, IL.

Saint-Jacques, M.-C., Godbout, E., Drapeau, S., Parent, C., Rousseau, M.E., Fortin, M.-C., Kourgiantakis, T. (2010, February). Conséquences et facteurs de risque et de protection pour les familles recomposées: synthèse de la documentation. Paper presented at Today’s Families: New Trends & Challenges, Human Resources & Skills Development. Ottawa, CA.

Kourgiantakis, T. & Saint-Jacques, M.C.  Sibling Relationships in Stepfamilies. (2010, May).  Paper presented at CASWE-ACFTS conference, Families and Communities: Intersections and Connections, Concordia University, Montreal, QC.

Saint-Jacques, M.-C., Drapeau, S., Parent, C…, Kourgiantakis, T. (2010, October). Que nous ont appris les années 2000 au sujet des impacts de la vie en famille recomposée ? Paper presented at Colloque conjoint de la Fédération des associations de juristes d’expression française de common law et l’Association internationale francophone des intervenants auprès des familles séparées: Évolution et révolution de la justice familiale. Ottawa, ON.


Fold Em Podcast: Help for Gambling Problems. (2022). Invited guest, Supporting children when a parent has a gambling problem. Episode 38. https://www.gamblingproblemhelp.ca/blog-2/supporting-children-impacted-by-parental-gambling-problem

Sage Publications. (2019). Family-Centred Social Work Practice in Mental Health and Addictions. Sage Video Social Work Collection. https://sk.sagepub.com/video/skpromo/CieNl4/family-centered-social-work-practice-in-mental-health-and-addictions

The Social Work Podcast. Episode 120. (May 8, 2018). Invited Guest, Using Simulation to Teach Holistic Competence. http://socialworkpodcast.blogspot.com/2018/05/simulation.html


  • Addiction and the Family Network (AFINet) - Membre         
  • American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) - Clinical fellow
  • American Family Therapy Academy (AFTA) - Membre
  • Association des intervenants en dépendance du Québec (AIDQ) - Membre
  • Association québécoise de prévention du suicide (AQPS) - Membre       
  • Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine (CSAM/SMCA) - Membre
  • Centre de recherche et d'intervention sur le suicide, enjeux éthiques et pratiques de fin de vie (CRISE) - Membre chercheure
  • Centre de recherche Jeunes, familles et réponses sociales (JEFAR) - Membre régulière 
  • Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) – Membre
  • Institut universitaire sur les dépendances (IUD) – Chercheure régulière
  • International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) - Membre
  • The International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) - Membre
  • Ontario Association for Marriage & Family Therapy (OAMFT) – Certified Couple & Family Therapist (CCFT)
  • Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW) - Membre
  • Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers – Registered Social Worker (RSW)
  • Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec - Travailleuse sociale (t.s.)
  • Recherche et intervention sur les substances psychoactives (RISQ) - Chercheuse régulière

  • Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) - Membre

Intérêts de recherche

  • Dépendances 
  • Santé mentale
  • Le suicide des jeunes
  • L'engagement des familles et l'intervention familiale
  • Équité et accès aux services
  • Travail social